just heard from my roomate(old roomate) all i can find so far is that he was rushed to the hospital/found not breathing in his home. edit: ok found the story http://http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/25/michael-jackson-dies-death-dead-cardiac-arrest/?icid=main|main|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tmz.com%2F2009%2F06%2F25%2Fmichael-jackson-dies-death-dead-cardiac-arrest%2F wonder if he's still gonna be frozen like walt disney?? im more concerned that Farah Fawcett died earlier today. :wtc: she had Anal Cancer for those who haven't seen that horrible documentary she made about travelling all over the world spending exorbetant amounts of money trying to get better.
i heard that tmz jumped the gun and he is in a coma still and not yet dead. edit: nm the la times is now reporting the death also http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lan...e-department-paramedics--capt-steve-ruda.html
I thought he turned white and changed his man to Justin??? :keke: Loved mike back in the thriller and bad days...RIP MJ
i just heard that since he 99% plastic he is being melted down and made into legos so all the kids can still play with him.
I think it's all a hoax...he was in debt for 100's and 100's of millions. on a side note, I heard he had lunch with 2Pac and Biggie.
Say what you want about the man but you cant tell me MJ didn't touch everyone on this board with at least One song or another. A rough week for celebs ED,Farrah and Mike.
anyone remember the episode of the Simpsons "stark raving dad"? Homer was admitted to an insane asylum, his roommate in was a large white guy who talked, sang and introduced himself as Michael Jackson. the intro to tonight's episode pause and showed a pic of Homer and "Michael Jackson" who's real name was Leon Kompowsky, and said "In memory of Michael Jackson". funny and touching at the same time. this is Leon from the episode, he sand Happy Birthday to Lisa as MJ.
Yeah....I have a small bit of thought for those who feel he was a pervert, and molested children. If your child came to you and said that someone (famous or not) touched your child in an inappropriate manner, you mean to tell me that being paid off would silence you? I followed some of the trials, and find it odd that he settled out of court. Not that he offered, rather that the parents accepted. No amount of money would allow me to let that happen. I will agree that he was a bit taboo, and that he was forced to live his childhood through his adult years (obvious child-like personality), but I really do not believe that he molested those kids. Just my $.02; RIP to the greatest:bowdown: Edit: He was a freaking international superstar! He was very intelligent. If he wanted to touch little boys he damn sure would not have done so in the U.S. If he really wanted to do some backwards stuff, no one would have found out. He is freaking Michael Jackson. The star power he possesed was like the power of a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick:rofl:
um yes but no. he had a messed up childhood. you could always tell he was troubled from the start. i mean look at the rest of his family. you can't tell me there's sane one in that bunch.
I am not disputing that at all. Joe Jackson tore that family apart from the beginning. Michael still had brains and knew how to use them. As his career went further into the 90's, his age and personality caught up with him. That is where he began to have conflict with himself and the "issues" came out more. I still don't think he molested the kids. Those parents should get a swift judo chop to the back of the head for letting the accusations die out, and recanting stories. Trust me, in 5-10 years, those children will write books and tell the truth, whatever it may be.
Michael was a basket case of a man because of Joe. Tito, Jermaine and Jackie were old enough, but Latoya, Janet and Michael were greatly affected by Joe's mistreatment, manipulation and whoring out of his children to live vicariously through them and get rich.
from what I've heard, the kid from the first scandal has already come out and said his father told him to say that and he didnt know any differently.
I don't find it hard at all to believe that Jackson possibly molested young boys. In any population there is a percentage that will do bad things like that. Of that percentage, it has to be assumed that also a percentage of those who will do evil things are also famous celebrities such as Sports stars, Actors, Musicians, etc... Therefore, seeing the childhood that MJ experienced and the overwhelming evidence that abused children commonly grow up to do the same, it is not hard to believe that MJ could have done something like this. Further, the fact that parents of possibly abused MJ Children accepted cash settlements out of court is no possible evidence of a lack of crime. Maybe, although they "knew" MJ molested their child, they were advised by their lawyers that the case was flimsy, and since MJ had vast resources to pay high profile lawyers, that their best chance was an out of court settlement that would hopefully cover the childs needed therapy for many years to come. You're lack of evidence, and my lack of proof both equal out to zero. That being the case, it is equally as possible that he did or did not molest children. Regardless, with this kind of allegation still surrounding him, although he does deserve credit for many, many things he provided through his music and dance, he also should not be praised as a man that had no faults.
I can respect that 100%, everyone is not a faultless saint. However, if someone touched my kids, money would not be an option.....until after your ass is under the jail. Then I may get greedy, going for punitive damages and donate majority of it to programs to help abused women/children. It's a sick thought, even in a joking manner which is why I can't laugh at all the jokes I have seen.
Who's to say the parents didn't plan the whole thing, make the kid testify that MJ molested him just to get some money. No one knows for sure so it's all speculative and opinion.
Philipino prisoner tribute to MJ here. (done before he died) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMnk7lh9M3o
Did any of you hear about the auction he was supposed to have to pay his enormous debt and then pulled out last minute? Here is a Flickr site with a bunch of pictures from the auction... Some of it is the creepiest stuff I have ever seen. http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulscheer/sets/72157617373340442/
to me this is why he got most of the attention he gets, his achievements. hands down MJ was and will always be remembered as "The King of Pop" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Records_and_achievements_of_Michael_Jackson
# Jackson has supported more charities than any other pop singer - 39 charitable organizations either with monetary donations through sponsorships of their projects or the participation in their activities. The charities involved include AIDS Project L.A., American Cancer Society, BMI Foundation, Inc., Childhelp USA, United Negro College Fund, YMCA - 28th Street/Crenshaw, The Sickle Cell Research Fund and Volunteers of America[7]. Jackson donated over $300 million to charity over the course of his lifetime.......
My friend was in Iraq and when the people would see a black US soldier, they would call them Michael Jackson.