Ask and you shall receive... 07Ltd#767 Baddrive Bluedestiny Breel Captain Slow Csaari Dacula Dean Donpage Galimore Ghost Ianb52 Integroid Jay92x Kingwrex Letum001 LiquidForce MaxPsi Mmtasty Rome Sanders Slowsoul Slowwrx Strayen Techlord Wagunz_pwn Welery Whatamess Wileycoyote0022 WTFjayjay Total: 29
Its probably old stale popcorn you used to watch the previous fight, you are to frugal to pop another bag.
Ill be going to bed now, so the regular part of the board will be unguarded against, Terrorist, Pussies, Jackasses and Morons. If someone could fill in while I'm gone I'm sure Alex can dub you Second Asshole In Charge of Disorder. Good Luck and God Speed
Hey - add me to that list :asshole: This is my annual login so I had to get in somewhere. You can now return to your regularly scheduled circle jerks. Oh and hey - some cockbag changed my signature I really should log on more often - maybe I'd notice that shit before it's 6 months old...