WTF, I stayed off boost and shifted @ ~2500 the whole tank and got 16.9mpg. My normal driving gets me 18mpg (lead foot). Grrr. Resuming my normal driving now...
yeah maybe because the turbo actually helps gas mileage?...not being a smart ass...actually asking a question because i also thought about shifting earlier to conserve gas...
Makes sense kinda. Engines have certain RPM efficiency ranges where they require less fuel; if you drive below that you are straining the motor and getting worse mileage. I'll try to find a nice specific fuel consumption vs RPM graph sometime this weekend.
Hmmm...very interesting... I always thought that you would save more fuel with your windows closed and ac on low and going maybe a little over the speed limit... Mark
I've realized I get the best gas mileage shifting at like 3-3.5K RPM. With my normal driving I get 18-19mpg. Is that a little low?
I read some where that when going 40 - 45 mph you get better mileage with windows open. Once you get over that speed your better off with the A/C b/c of the drag the windows being open creates. It was on some news site this week.
Slpymnky, I think 18-19 is average, maybe on the lower side. I'm accesport stage 2, full TBE and I average 19-20....
There a certain "sweet" spot with the best MPG...going really slow and useing low revs won't do crap...I think its like 4-5000 RPM and about 35 MPH.....just a guess
i thinkt he stis would get worse mileage slightly wouldnt they? i try to shift aroudn 3k rpms and it seems to alright. I average around 280-300 miles per tank.
WRX's and STi's probably have different efficiency ranges. Either way, I'm not going to worry about losing 3mpg. I was hoping to get 22-23mpg and 6mpg would have been worth the trouble.
My best mpg was 31mpg for the whole tank. But on average, i get about 22-24. Well then...I guess i drive slow....
i don't know if anyone watches MythBusters, but they did a show with the myth AC vs. windows down. they used 2 Ford Expedition, one had AC on he other had the windows down both had the cruise set at 45mph. with 5 gallons of gas, the windows down traveled about 30 miles further than AC on. make your own concussions, but windows down and roof open for me!
I do watch Mythbusters and I actually tried both and I got better gas mileage with my AC on low. When you think about it, it makes sense because of the aerodynamics. It is also not a good idea to do jackrabbit starts and just start off gradually. That is a cool show... Mark
45mph? I think that just confirms what was mentioned earlier. At lower speeds you're better off with the windows down, but I guarantee if you bump that speed up to 65-70+ you will notice a big difference. Try doing a 60-90mph pull with the windows up vs down and you WILL notice a difference.
sure, this make sence. but i never find myself driving 90 around town. or in rush hour traffic, either.
Because of all the gas prices going up I have been keeping track of my gas mileage (i was kind of afraid to do this earlier) and I was surprised... I'm getting 21mpg in the city & traffic... 26mpg on the highway road trips* I thought it was going to be worse than that. *that's also in my low map and driving more conservatively -drums
man, my mileage sucks! on tues and thurs i use about a half a tank of gas, especially because i drive downtown from l'ville and then on mon and wed i use a quarter cuz i work in dunwoody and most of my weekends i use up a whole tank... madness. one more thing... how long did it take someone to reach 10,000 miles on their car?
In my wife's STi, we got 23mpg travelling to savannah on the highway. Usually we get around 18mpg around town. In my car, my best is 34mpg on the highway, and the worst is 9mpg on the track. As for the windows/top down, I found that in my car it starts to get unstable at 120mph, and felt worse at 130mph, which is the max I have gone with the top down. With the top up and windows down, there are no issues. Maybe a big ricer wing would fix the problem. I rode in an STi going almost 150mph, and it felt stable with the windows down. -- Brian
I was really surprised that it was getting that good of gas mileage with all my mods. But that was in the low map and not driving hard. -drums
Lol, back when all my miles were highway I definately managed 27+ mpg. However, now that Im doing a combination of city and hwy driving, I'm getting hosed.
turbo cars get the best mileage at part throttle, mid boost levels. i try to keep the revves between 2500 and 3500. anything under 2500 is just extra gas for the effort, and anything over 3500 is just too much fun to be frugal... hahaha the most important part is part throttle, that way you are on some boost to keep efficiency, but you aren't flooring it for power either. just dont keep it on max boost and you'll be fine.
Ran a small test on the Legacy. City driving to and from work. 100 miles with no A/C and keeping under 3500 and got 21 mpg. Boring as heck, might as well have a camry. Normal spirited driving nets 19.5 mpg.