Lam-borg-ghini... now you see it, now you don't!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by 4sevens, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

  2. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Hot damn! That was a BAD crash...
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    The roof still has a nice coat of wax, proper water beading.
  4. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I dont see how the person in the lambo survived that wreck.
  5. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    I bet it was a brand new car.

    That burning car to the side makes it so dramatic.
  6. Bug-Rex

    Bug-Rex Active Member

    Thats a big oil filter.
  7. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    The sad thing is that the wrecked lambo is still worth more than most of our cars...
  8. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Those are awesome photos...

    Lamborghini disection!
  9. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    think that tranny will fit in my car?


  10. bdydrpdmazda

    bdydrpdmazda New Member

    that thing is jacked up!
  11. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    The paradox is that this happened in Russia. The common people live in the most desolate conditions meanwhile the corrupt aristocrats in power are living it up. Thats the problem with big government, it's not the protection and interests of the people that they are concerned about. Eventually it's about power, money and control. It's sad to see our country heading that way. Sorry I went off on a tangent.
  12. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    hahah... lol
  13. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    The lambo is totaled!
  14. donpage

    donpage Member

    I will probably cause a scene like that 2 days after I win the lottery
  15. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Taking that into consideration, U would b able to shut down a certain stretch of road most city govt's have a price.:naughty:
  16. donpage

    donpage Member

    You do have a point there

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