Movie Review: Inglourious Basterds

Discussion in 'Movie Reviews' started by SonicBoom, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Fucking loved this film.... Kind've biased I guess, I like Tarantino but.. This was a great movie. I don't think a film has ever been done that covers this subject (well, Valkerie kinda, but that was Germans attempting to take Hitler out). This is every Jewish persons wet dream.
    Have to warn: this movie is long (2hours, 45 minutes) and drags a little in the 3rd act, but I feel it went quickly and flowed well. Also, this movie is about 90% in French and German with subtitles.. While this might put some people off, I loved it. It has allways been a pet peave of mine during WW2 movies that the German and Japanese guys spoke English. I know they are doing it to pander to people who don't want to read, but jeez, it takes away from the movie.
    Its different from what I expected, its not strictly about Brad Pitt and his gang of Jewish Nazi slayers, more of a plot to take out the top brass of the 3rd Reich, with many players involved... Very well acted all the way around (minus Mike Myers as a British general.. love you man, but stick to comedies). Anyways, 2 thumbs up.. go see it, you won't be disapointed....
  2. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah i thought the premise of the movie sounded pretty neat and always enjoyed tarantino's take on serious subjects. i'll probly buy it when it comes out if i dont go see it first.
  3. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Finally a WWII movie as good as "Kelley's Heroes"
  4. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    I have to start by saying I'm not a huge QT fan but the movie was alright. Had a few scenes that just took too long and I felt myself getting sleepy quick... I have to say Brad Pitt played his part very welll as did the dude that played Col. Hans Landa. The ending was phenominal, thats for damn sure!
  5. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^ Agreed... it did have a few parts that dragged. The guy who played the Jew Hunter stole the movie as far as I was concerned. Very good bad guy. My girlfriend was like "why does he ask so many questions??". I told her that was the point... The guy knew the answers to his questions allready and enjoyed fucking with people. And yes, Brad Pitt was awesome as usual.
  6. onemoresti

    onemoresti Member

    I though it was really good. I wouldn't call it GREAT, as stated, it drug a little in some parts and it was kinda long. Compared to other QT films though, I'd say it comes in under "Pulp Fiction", but definitely above, say "Jackie Brown". Mr. Pitt is hilarious.

    Even my wife enjoyed it and sat through the whole thing, and she's 100% Krout. :p
  7. Slow Hatch

    Slow Hatch Member

    Might check this out sometime this weekend. I've heard mixed opinions, I'll report back with mine.

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