Tech vs. UGA

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Captain Slow, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Captain Slow

    Captain Slow Member

    I'm HEAVILY considering transferring from Georgia Southern to either Tech or UGA. As of right now, I honestly have no lean towards either school, I just have a desire achieve what I know I'm capable of, and I know I can do better than Southern. With that being said, I would love to hear experiences from either school. I can do all the research in the world, but to hear it first hand would be even better! P.S. I'm a business major.

  2. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I went to Tech. I personally had an amazing time, but I'll be the first to tell you that if you're mainly looking for a college experience, you're going to be better off in Athens. Now I was an engineer, so obviously Tech was the right choice for me. For business, I'd lean towards UGA, but it's still somewhat of a tossup depending on what you're looking for (I forget what the rankings are like these days, but I'm thinking that UGA is still a little better than Tech when it comes to that major).

    Basically, If you like the college scene, you're going to be happier at UGA. If you enjoy city life, well then you might want to look into GT.

    Hopefully Alex and Bobby will stop in since they both did management at Tech.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  3. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    you have the best avatar ever :bowdown:
  4. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member


    Joey, what are you planning on doing? I went to art school at UGA, so I might not really be the best person to answer your question, but it really does depend on what you're planning on doing.

    IMO, UGA would probably be a better growing environment, since you'd be farther away from the bad influences of the likes of us, and more on your own to become a bad influence to someone else.
  5. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    just depends on how serious you want to be. if you go to tech and want to do well, expect to put in a lot of time and effort. it's whatever you make of it, and if you're going for the piece of paper, tech will serve you better in the long run (for most things, but not everything)

    ps the avatar is copyright nicad, all rights reserved.
  6. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    One thing I noticed is that there are many more companies participate recruiting in UGA compare to Tech. This could be due to the larger number of students UGA, but also due to the UGA grad's presence in business world as well. Also, compare to UGA's history, many people considered Tech's business program as inferior to UGA's. However, don't fear that any more. US News' 2009 MBA ranking has shown that GT's MBA is far ahead of UGA now. GT has placed in 22nd (same as Emory) where UGA has placed in 55th. Even though you go to undergraduate for either college, your school's MBA ranking can be a good sales pitch in your job hunting. I definitely benefited from increased reputation of tech when I was searching for job.

    If you can be more specific your concentration within business major (like accounting, finance, business/operation management, marketing, etc.), I'm sure that we can guide you better.
  7. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Do you want to not get laid (GT) vs. do you want to get an STD (UGA). But I guess either are better than your current situation where it's actually possible to have both happen.

    In all honesty, UGA is a joke, but everyone that comes out of there seems to get hooked up with a job they don't deserve from someone who went there. Tech is a really good school, but not for all areas and the "good" areas you'll work your ass off. But these days all that really matters is where you get your master's. So, go to KSU where the hot blond airheads end up and worry about education in three more years.
  8. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    Geez, if only. I would love that.
  9. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    All it comes down to is your major. Uga has one THE BEST business schools in the nation, GT is one of the best Tech schools in the nation. Doing something that involves tech/math/science? Go to tech. Doing something that involves business/sociology/pshycology (get your masters somewhere else)? Then go to uga.
  10. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    this made me laugh, thanks
  11. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    If you want an engineering degree, go to tech, if you want business, the Terry College of Business is pretty well known and respected. Their law program at UGA is also the place to go if you want to practice law in Georgia. It just depends where you are wanting to go with your career.
  12. Captain Slow

    Captain Slow Member

    I appreciate everyone's input so far! I can provide a little more detail that may give a little more insight into what I want. I'm currently a sophomore, and I just transferred out of a Mechanical Engineering degree to a Business/Marketing degree. I'm already much happier in Business. I got in to Tech out of high school, but just really didn't want to work that hard, so I chose GSU. I screwed up my first year, and ended up with a 2.75, but now, with a renewed sense of work ethic, and a 4.0 over the summer, I have a 2.97. I've gotten my shit together, and I know I'll be able to at least do well enough to where I feel comfortable applying to either school, it's just a matter of picking out which one!

    P.S. I've talked to Alex a lot about the advantages of getting a B.S. in business, but I'm also really interested in the school of advertising at UGA. I can provide anymore info if needed! Thanks again!
  13. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    GT's School of Management is consistently ranked well and improves every year. I have already told you this, if you are considering a Bachelors of Science in Business look at GT or look at Emory.

    Regarding JJang12's position: GT's school of business is much smaller than UGA's. Nevertheless, excellent companies recruit heavily from GT such as Accenture.

    I do not understand the debate here. If I were you, I would apply to the following: KSU, GSU, GT, Emory and UGA.
  14. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i agree, getting in as a transfer is not as easy as it once was at any school (or as easy as coming from high school). just apply to all and see which one(s) accepts you.

    i went to both KSU and GSU (georgia southern) and gotta be honest, i had higher grades at GSU but that was because i dont think it was nearly as challenging. I think the caliber of teaching staff at KSU heavily outweighs the teachers at GSU. Plus i just generally enjoyed the campus, social life, activities, location, classmates, and classes better at KSU
  15. Captain Slow

    Captain Slow Member

    I've not really been clear enough I don't think. I can do research till I'm blue in the face about what I want to do and about where I want to go and for what reasons. I'm more trying to find out first hand experiences from the people who went there. I know/talk to enough people who go to State, Kennesaw, to get a pretty good understanding of what it's like to go there. This is not the case with bigger schools Tech or UGA. I just don't know too many people that went to either one. I don't have much time right now to visit the campuses, tour, etc. I was just trying gauge whether people were disappointed, pleasantly surprised, or whether the schools were pretty much on par with their expectations. Kind of along the lines of, "I loved this about the school, but I didn't like this..." I hope this makes more sense!

    P.S. I'll be applying to all the schools Alex mentioned, that was my intent all along! I just didn't know that much about the other schools!
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  16. chuglobal

    chuglobal Member

    Yo ...

    I'm a GT 01 alumni w/ BS in Management (Business) in IT. I should have focused in Operations but that's another subject. :) Captain Slow, I agree w/ some of the other previous posts ... GT and UGA are both good schools. GT has been expanding its business school presence in both the undergrad and grad levels especially in the areas of technology. I definitely know the "GT" name helps on the resume. Quick summary, I think GT is a great college in education and prestige however you will need to be proactive in your social life.
  17. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    I am a Ga Southern graduate with dual degrees in Logistics and Marketing. I will be brutally honest with you, a Marketing degree from Ga Southern is crap. The only reason I got it is becasue I needed a whopping 3 extra classes. My Logistics degree will run circles around UGA's Ops Mgnt, and compete on par with GT in Supply Chain and Ops Mgnt.

    It comes down to the exact degree/field you are aiming for. If you want Marketing/Advertising/Sales go to UGA.

    Oh, and if you don't learn the material, you screw yourself anyway!
  18. jeb

    jeb Member

    I tore it up at tech, just join a frat and hit on younger girls ;)..... and my graduating year(2008) from MGT averaged 48k starting salary. Show me the UGA #s. Bringing MBA / law school into it is irrelevant since that is all grad school.
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I specialized in Operations w/ my BS in MGT and I upon graduating had the opportunity to pursue several nice positions at well regarded companies. I graduated 2 classes shy of completing another in their marketing program. I am contemplating signing up for those two classes to just complete that and finish it off as leaving things unfinished bothers me.

    I could not agree more with you or Jeb. You really do have to be proactive with a social life at GT. The campus and the majority of its students are not exactly the most social bunch. Nevertheless, there are many many things going on weekly and on the weekends. You just need to look for them.

    I never took a class at UGA so it is difficult for me to stress the differences between the two. I view GT more as a college that has an extremely professional get shit done kind of attitude. If you do not already have a strong work ethic GT will certainly teach you to have one (or you will fail out). I do not view UGA in the same light.

    Oh, and one more thing. GT is not for "everyone". It really seems like "everyone" else goes to UGA. should go to Emory :)
  20. chuglobal

    chuglobal Member

    Humm ...

    If I only knew what I know now and started as a Freshman in college :coolugh: ...

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