I'm mostly posting this for those who are inclined to prayer... I would really appreciate some prayers for my meeting with the surgeon tomorrow and hopefully the surgery this Friday. I know gallbladder removal isn't a big deal, but it's still a little wild to consider them cutting into my chest... I ended up in the ER on Thanksgiving with a "gallbladder attack." I didn't even really know what a gallbladder was, but I had excruciating chest pains and a fever so some wise counsel suggested I go to the ER. It turns out that I have a non-properly functioning gallbladder. The scan showed that while the minimum expulsion for a properly working gallbladder is 30%, mine is less than 2 Once it's out I should be great though, and have lower cholesterol for the rest of my life (like a high-flow filter or something ) Thanks all, Siegel
You should ask them if you can keep it... maybe I'm weird but I think keeping it in a jar would be kinda cool.
We'll be thinking about you Scott. I had my gallbladder removed in 2001 so I know what you are going through. The recovery is a bit uncomfortable. Sneezing and laughing will be your enemies for awhile. I held a pillow against my stomach once I started getting up and moving around and it helped a lot. :wiggle:
Best of luck with your cholecystectomy; I know you will be fine Do they perform the surgery as out patient surgery or will you be hospitalized for a few days?
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Decker had first dibs for keeping it in a jar on his desk Siegel
Had consult with surgeon this morning. Then catscan this afternoon. Surgery begins at 6:30am Friday morning... Thanks again, Siegel
I had mine taken out four years ago... they don't let you keep it (I asked). They do a biopsy on it afterwards to make sure nothing funky is going on (ie cancer or a tumor). Scott are they looking to perform the surgery laproscopicly (yeah I didn't spell that right)? If they are, buy some comfy sweat pants for recovery as you can't wear anything with a zipper or a fly for about a good three weeks afterwards (or atleast I couldn't) because of the sitches on my belly button. Also if you sleep on your side or stomach plan on getting a nice body pillow or foam pad as you i'll definitely get better sleep and be alot more comfy. Get better soon!
thats 'laparoscopic' surgery. they may do that and end up cutting or decide to cut at the git go. depends on level of inflammation, involvement or whatever. sometimes done as outpatient, sometimes you stay a day or two. course these days the insurers want you out the door yesterday. had a distant relative just had a heart valve replaced at kennestone and they wanted him out in a day or two (refused). you'll be sore but its a pretty standard procedure. and they dont let you keep your old body parts, its considered a bio-hazard sorta thing... (unless you know the doc.. ) having old jars of body parts laying about is a bit weird in most folks eyes...
I have to admit that I thought this would be a "simple" surgery that wouldn't hurt too bad to recover from... I was astounded yesterday at just how bad everything could hurt... It's a good bit better today, but I'm amazingly uncomfortable, mixed with moments of very bad pain... Apparently my gallbladder was a little distended and the surgery a little more involved than expected. Prayers for a rapid recovery would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks again, Siegel
The first couple of days are the worst. I had gallstones and they had to go find one that escaped.. the pain at first is pretty surprising. You just don't think its going to hurt that bad but by the second and third days I was doing much better.. just kept hugging my pillow.
i doubt they gave him that based on how much pain he says he was in.. shoulda asked for dolophine... or 4mg im dilaudid.. or an actiq lollipop...
They gave me Percocet, but the pain was still shocking to me. I'm recovering better now. I was taking the prescribed 2 every 4 hours and still having a lot of pain until mid-day yesterday. I felt a little better and backed down to one every 6 hours. I'm hoping that I took my last one this morning. I'm really hoping that I'll feel well enough to go back to work tomorrow. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers, Siegel
Good luck man. Surgery can be rough. My old appendectomy left me not wrenching or doing anything strenuous for 5-6 months. Take it easy and take care of yourself. Anything needing wrenching have the shop hands do. And remember to not move fast! You will but the first few times will have you remembering.
My friend at church just had her gallbladder removed. She said she feels great and the recovery was easy. She is a mother of 3 and a has had brain surgery so maybe her tolerance for pain is higher than your tolerance?
^^^ Quite possible. One doctor told me that it could be as quick as 17 minutes, mine was over 2 hours, maybe they did more "damage" in mine... Siegel
Good grief two hours? That is a long gallbladder surgery. I think my cousins was only 30 mins and his was a royal mess from what the doc said.
Apparently mine was "distended" All I know is that I am bruised from beltline to ribs for my entire front and right side and most of my left side.. It's not too bad as long as I don't sneeze. Sneezing almost makes me fall down :/ Siegel
Dunno what you mean by 'distended' (google searching now). When I had my appendix removed, sneezing, coughing, laughing and taking a dump ( :rofl: ) were EXTREMELY painful.