I Got Steefed!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by xerxesXXVII, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. xerxesXXVII

    xerxesXXVII Member

    So last night my car got broken into. They took my wife's gps and my accessport:unamused::thumbsdow:grr::wtc:. Left motorcycle comm system and some new tools I picked up from the matco guy, as well as an expensive handbag my wife left in the car and my sat radio. WTF!
  2. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    That sucks! Where were you? Was all of that stuff out in plain sight in the car?
  3. tolnep

    tolnep Member

    i treat my accessport like a cellphone. it stays in my pocket or it stays in my house.

    you leave it sitting in your car, some fool breaks in to rummage around finds that thing, thinks its an ipod or something, steals it, now whattayagonna do?

    i assume you must ship the ECU to cobb, get it de-programmed, get another AP and program...

    unless you never wanna change your tune again..
  4. Sorry to hear that man. At least they didn't crawl under it and steal your ultra pimp TopSpeed boost activated cutout! Now that would have ruined your day :)
  5. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Who steals an AP. Hmmmm I need to lock mine up in the glove box.
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Sorry to hear that. I second blaster when we ask where was the car parked?
  7. xerxesXXVII

    xerxesXXVII Member

    the scary part is that it was in my driveway. my house is kind of like a row house from charleston. my lot is 50 feet wide and 150 feet deep. the driveway is long and one car wide opening up to two cars wade at the back of the house. this guy walked along the whole length of my house, right past my bedroom to get to the car. and I live on a deadend street. this mofo was creepin to make it down to my house. the gps I can blame myself for as i had left it mounted right by the driverside window. the accessport was in my center console. they took its box out of the glovebox, and left it in the passenger seat. obviously had no clue what it was.... car alarm purchased...security lighting installed...2nd amendment...
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  8. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    WOW the balls of that guy...not to mention stupidity. Glad nothing worse happened man!

    Large dog might not be a bad idea either...
  9. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    dog = lawsuits

    gun = win. dead people can't sue you :banana:
  10. xerxesXXVII

    xerxesXXVII Member

    Large dog will come when I get back from my upcoming deployment. I am contemplating putting a gate across the driveway to "seal" it off from the street. I have to check with my hoa to see if they would allow it. I am thinking gothic style with vlad the impaler-esque style spikes:

    My wife: "Oh look, another attempted burglar impaled on the gate again honey"
    Me: "Alright ... I gues it's my turn to call the coroner"

  11. xerxesXXVII

    xerxesXXVII Member

    What if my dog chews on him after I shoot him?
  12. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Get better dog food and they won't do that.

    If a neighbor ask, just tell them it's a life size chew toy.

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