Well Black Knight 2 is going in tom for major repairs, going to SOG and hopyfully I can be driving it this weekend. Since its been almost a month since i've drove her.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :bigthumb: FIXED!!! Too funny!!! Yeah the $2700 "viscous coupling and bearings" that were giong to have to be replaced was the MISSING clip from the driver's rear axle. started to do a little mastercard write-up about the $2 clip, but thought that might be a little much Mike, you car is ready. Siegel
ha... that says a lot about the techs at classic... hope everyone learns from mike's experience and NEVER goes there glad everything worked out mike... i bet ur sooooooo happy
Let me just tell you that classic f-ing sucks a big one and this is to everyone, I don't care if you bought your wrx or sti at classic but they f-ing suck and all they want to do is get money out of you. The tech over there(his name is Tom) don't ever listen to what he has to say, he's not even a Master tech. Thus you heard earlier that I was about to pay big money to get it fixed. I toke it to SOG and they are so great over there. Great people. Big thanks to Scott and Neil who helped me out big time. I can't wait to get my car back tom. PS. Thanks Neil and Scott for lauching my car just you make sure it was okay. :evil: PSS. Everyone!! DON'T YOU EVER GO TO CLASSIC!
Why dont the masses ever listen to me? I've been striking classic since the beginning of this organization. At any rate, I am pleased to see that you got things fixed and underway.
bought my wrx from classic...kind've thought they sucked considering it takes them all day to change my oil...Looks like I'll be making the hike to SOG for any repairs..
You could always change your own oil.... just a suggestion And if you want to know about my history with classic, feel free to ask, you know its a great story :bigthumb:
Hey Mike, did you see my poor wagon sitting there? I took it up there monday. Scott, my parents say you're being very helpful so thanks!!
Dude, I totally didn't realize that was you. Duh :slap: Yeah, you gots issues. Your parents have been super cool, but for some reason they haven't really wanted me to talk to you. What do YOU want to do with it. With that turbo we could probably get near 300 to the wheels.... I'm not sure how long another 4eat would last.... of course the options are: 1) used 4eat - questionable lifespan 2) new 4eat - still questionable lifespan 3) built 4eat - might last, who knows 4) used 03 or 04 (don't use an 02) WRX 5-speed - if you drive it nice it should last quite a while. 5) new wrx 5-speed - probably expensive to use all new parts. 6) STi box, JDM 5-speed or any 6spd manual would be tight, and handle that power with no problem. If we go with a 4eat we could turn down the juice a little and make the tranny last longer... Of course the other issue is that it runs INCREDIBLY rich. 11.0-11.6 at IDLE (what did you do to this thing ) We can reprogram the unichip, or of course my suggestion is rip that thing out, sell it, and we'll Ecutek it. Let me know what you want to do, or what you and your p's want to do. SS
Thanks again scott for all the help. The Blk Knight is running strong. I love it. I missed driving it so bad. Bobby, I know you feel my pain. Scott, later this month say after christmas I'm going to come up there and get Ecutek hooked-up. I can't wait for that. Finally I'll be Stage 3. Thanks again....
Ah, I Just had a good laugh thinking about Kevin out in your engine bay Bobby looking for the source of the gas smell... "It smells like you're running rich...OH MY GOD! That's gas leaking out!" Ah, well my appologies on a laugh on your behalf; I am glad to at least see work in progress on your car and to see Mike's car finally finished.
I guess now my reasoning for leaving Classic becomes clearer.... Tom is a fucking asshole in addition to being the worst tech I have ever laid eyes on. Glad you got your issues resolved!