Forged Performance 2010 Time Attack Series - Rounds 1 & 2

Discussion in 'Forged Performance' started by Decker@Forged, Mar 1, 2010.

  1. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    Forged Performance Time Attack Series


    Time Attack: AKA Time Trial. A motorsport event intended to allow competitors to run the single fastest lap they are capable of. Typical Time Attack events have at least a few practice sessions and 5 lap competitive sessions. Those five laps consist of an out-lap to enable the competitor to cross the Start/Finish line at speed, followed by 3 flying timed laps, and then a cool down lap. This allows the driver to focus on doing whatever it takes to turn the single best lap time, without having to build a race car capable of running an endurance race, or worrying about tire or fuel usage.

    Many of you have seen Forged Performance’s Time Attack cars competing at the national level over the past few years. So we’ve decided to make Time Attack more accessible at the local level and available at smaller regional tracks.

    We are announcing the Forged Performance Time Attack Series starting with two events for 2010.

    Round 1: May 15th -16th at Talledega Grand Prix
    Round 2: Aug 28th -29th Roebling Road Raceway

    Attendees will have the option of open track (no timing) either or both days, and transponders will be available for both open track and Time Attack sessions.

    Pricing Structure:

    Time Attack Weekend
    $195 Saturday or Sunday alone
    $255 Saturday and Sunday combined

    AMB Transponder rental is required to record timed sessions, unless you have your own.

    Transponder Rental Fee: $40


    Unlimited: As long as it has 4 tires anything goes…period.

    Track: 40+ treadwear tires and current registration, serious track day enthusiast on race rubber in a street car.

    Street Mod: 140+ tread wear tires, current registration, interior required from the front seats forward, street tires

    Sporty: 180+ treadwear tires, current registration, FULL Interior, no Forced-Induction CHANGES (no FI on non-FI cars, no turbo/blower upgrades on factory FI cars), light bolt-ons.

    *At the discretion of Forged Performance certain “Super-Cars” will not be eligible for Sporty. This will apply to cars that have “Super-Car” levels of performance from the factory, such as modern Ferraris, Porsches, Lamborghinis, Z06 Vette’s, GT-R’s, etc.




    Example of Tech Requirements

    Vehicle Interior:

    Interior Mirror
    Seat Belts
    Fire Extinguishers (optional)
    Pedals in Good Condition
    Brake Pedal Firm
    Emergency Brake Operational

    Suspension & Running Gear:

    Steering Linkage
    Suspension & Shocks
    Wheel Bearings
    Metal/Flexible Brake Lines
    Brakes Recently Bled
    Rims In Good Condition

    Vehicle Exterior:

    Brake Lights
    No Fluid Leakage
    No Cracked Glass
    No Excessive Rust
    Exterior Mirror
    Windshield Wipers
    Gas Cap Secure
    Tire Pressure
    Sufficient Brake Pads (3/16” min)

    Engine & Trunk Compartments:

    Battery Secure
    Electrical Harness
    Relays Secure
    Fan Belt
    Throttle Linkage
    Oil & Gas Lines Secure
    Brake Fluid Changed
    Hood & Deck Lids Secure
    Oil Leaks


    Tires In Good Condition
    Lug Nuts Properly Torqued (90LBS)
    No Loose Objects In Car
    Brake Lights Operable
    Appropriate Clothing - Long Sleeve Shirt, Long Pants (both of a non-synthetic fiber; rubber soled shoes recommended)
    Helmet Snell M/SA2000 (or later approved)
    Car # attached to both doors/windows


    Time to put down the keyboard and pick up the helmet. Registration is available HERE!!!
  2. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    subscribed - this seems fun, we'll see how everything falls together
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Best of luck with the event!
  4. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Vaguest rule set ever... does that mean suspension is completely open in all classes? Also IIRC the only summer performance tire that is lower than 180 tread wear is the hankook RS3, so pretty much you can't run a "sporty car" with the new hankook.
  5. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    The rules are intentionally fairly open. We aren't trying to make this a NASA or SCCA event with pages and pages of rules and regs. No restrictions on suspension.
  6. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    All SCCA people are rule nazis ;P..... and I still don't get why the rule set is singling out people who are running the RS3s to move into a higher class.
  7. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    no, just Atlanta region, from my experience anyway.
  8. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Your classes are completely retarded. ESPECIALLY the tire rules.
  9. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    Thanks for your input.
  10. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Because you can't get away with blue numbers on a blue car that nobody in Timing and Scoring can see?
  11. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    I was trying to make that point... with a bit more tact.
  12. WJM

    WJM Banned

    You are very welcome.

    Tomorrow I will attempt to direct some of my free time towards a better class/rule setup.
  13. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Let's hope you do :)
  14. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Here's my quick thoughts on a BETTER class system:

    Unlimited: Anything with 4 wheels that is reasonable to run on track. Seriously, unlimited otherwise.
    *Any SPONSORED and/or SHOP car on any sort of race tires, under 140 UTQG treadwear rating, goes here.*

    Track Racer: Non-SPONSORED/SHOP cars that are on race tires (140 UTQG treadwear rating) with full fenders and resembling normal production street cars.

    Track Prep: Street cars with FULL INTERIOR and DOT-R tires. Racing slicks are explicitly NOT allowed. Only DOT-RACE compound tires (Khumo V700/V710 and Hooiser R series for example) allowed.
    SPONSORED/SHOP cars will be allowed in this class but MUST run "street" tires, 140 UTQG treadwear rating or HIGHER.
    **ALL vehicles in this class must have current registration, tag(s)/plate(s) and be perfectly 'street legal' and drivable**

    Street Prep: Any 'street legal' vehicle with current reg, tag/plate and on 140 UTQG treadwear rating or higher tires.

    Compact Prep: Same as Street Prep but with engine restrictions:
    MUST be non-forced induction and NO nitrous or any sort of injection system.
    4 cylinder engines up to 2500cc.
    6 cylinder engines up to 2500cc.
    NO 8/10/12/16 cylinder engines allowed no matter the displacement.
    **REMINDER: MUST be 'street legal' with current reg, tag/plate and on 140 UTQG treadwear rating or higher tires**
  15. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    No, that's why I don't like you. I haven't like the atlanta region scca for YEARS. There's a reason I don't go down there anymore, even just to watch. ;)

    back on topic.
  16. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    That's pretty good. We can run the Unlimited and Track Racer at the same time to keep 4 similar sized run groups. The only change I would make would be to allow the Mini Cooper S's, stock turbo 2.0L WRX's, and some other appropriate cars into Compact...

    So, with this rule structure, would you enter?

  17. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    The tire class breakdown should be

    1) Hoosiers/Hankook C91's (or any slick tire)
    2) R Compound treaded tires (R888's NT-01's RA-1s..etc)
    3) Street Tire.

    The classes should revolve around tires, as this is easy to enforce and check, and ultimately has the largest impact on how fast a car can go around a racetrack, particularly a small track like TGP.

    We are always open to suggestions on making the classes more logical, but simple.
  18. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    woohoo for being in street prep ;)

    I won't be running for times so I don't really care what class I'm in, but it's a little unfair to put cars like mine and lobel's up in the same class as stock sti's. I like the original rules that differentiated between aftermarket fi and stock, but I guess at that point you're over analyzing just a bit much.

    It's all in fun, anyway...till shit goes boom...or rick valley conquers walls :rofl:
  19. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    At the end of the day, the driver and the tire, in that order, make the biggest impact on lap-times.
  20. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    So is it cool if I bring my Forester???
  21. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Sounds like fun... but unfortunately those dates don't fit well with our schedule.
  22. WJM

    WJM Banned

    I forgot about the Mini-S, its pretty ball-less. I would say it could go into Compact as long as the supercharging is stock, but mods would be allowed otherwise.

    A stock turbo EJ205 tuned to stage2 is SOOOOOO much faster than a 2.5 RS and others that would be in Compact that I would say its unfair to let it in.

    *HOWEVER* if the WRX is STOCK powerwise, intake/exhaust/tune, but otherwise has suspension/wheel/tire/etc, it would be a close call. Modified 2.5 RS is on the same speed level as a stock power WRX until ~110mph.

    I would enter my Legacy in Compact Prep if I had one more 255/40/17 RE-01R that was around 50% life left....and if you take AMEX for the entry. Of course also pending baby sitter and if I'm working that Saturday.

    That is too simplified and unfair for those on a budget with vehicles that are not a GT-R, Z06, Porsche or 500+ HP STi.

    I promise that one good driver/owner could bring out a GT-R or Z06 or GT2 or GT3 in stock form and take all 3 classes as long as they brought all 3 tire types with them. THAT IS UNFAIR.

    Someone with a stock engine but otherwise modified 2.5 RS has ZERO chance of winning as each class would have the highest HP car with the best tires at the top.

    At least with my rules the RS would have a good chance in Compact and with DOT-R tires in Track Prep could put up a good fight. Same goes to any given Civic, 4 cylinder Mustang, Dodge Neon (NON SRT4) etc etc the list goes on.

    While I know that you want to show up in your GT-R and 5 sets of tires and win all the classes to make yourself look like god and all, that is unfair to those who really want to come out and race competitively and have a chance at winning.
  23. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    Good feedback...keep it coming. We'll take all the feedback under advisement and make one revision to the classifications as needed. Thanks guys!
  24. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    That was really funny. Our Time Attack GT-R will always be an unlimited class car for purposes of local time attack. :rofl:
  25. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    I can assure you that our GT-R will only run in Unlimited, and that "super-cars" will not be allowed in the "lowest" class.

    We want a rule structure that makes the most people want to come and compete...

  26. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    DOH! Ninja!

  27. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    You should try to adjust your schedule. :) We'd love to see Lee Khen and the GT2 compete.
  28. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    Very sorry to hear that. We tried VERY hard to pick dates that didn't conflict with any posted Motorsports events.

    If you don't mind my asking, what do you have that conflicts with these?

  29. WJM

    WJM Banned

    So one car having 155hp, Michael Schumacher, Hoosier Slicks and the best suspension possible VS a stock GT-R on its stock tires with Jeremy Clarkson driving, you are saying that zhe jerman is going to win?

    I doubt that. Sabine Schmitz would also agree with me.
  30. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    I'd agree with you about TGP but at Roebling with the long straights HP is going to make a big impact. Civics, 2.5rs, Minis, S2000 or anything else that makes less than 200 hp at the wheels is going to be hard pressed to be faster than a stock/lightly modded STi or Evo at Roebling.
  31. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Maybe we should have a public poll in order to build it.

    Start with how many classes, then move onto class naming, then move onto tire rules, then move onto BASIC modification allowances, then onto engine size/induction restriction(s) if the lower class gets voted in for the "budget" racers.....etc etc.

    Maybe we could then STANDARDIZE the rule set such that if Top Speed has a Time Attack, they use the same rules. If BattleGround has a Time Attack, they use the same rules. If all three shops get along and put on one big Time Attack at Road Atlanta, all the rules/classes are already agreed upon and there ya go.

    I agree that the rules need to be simple, but it also needs to be structured in a fair manner for the wide variety of vehicles that come out to play. Keep it simple and fair. It doesn't have to be a book for that is too complicated. It shouldn't fit on 1/2 a page for that is too simple and likely unfair for most people, competition wise. I think that for the correct structure, the simplest and fairest way possible, you may end up with a full page.
  32. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    At the club and amatuer racing level, I have seen countless heavily modded GT-3's, Z06's on full race rubber, go way slower than our normally aspirated 2004 350Z with Hooisers. I am speaking about actual experience. I would say that at least 75% of the heavily modified sports cars out there are not driven to anywhere near their potential. So yes, the driver does have a major influence on lap times.
  33. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Leh has a Rolex race in Canada that same weekend in Aug, and the May event is right after we will get back from onelap.

    Ohh and Sharif its Leh Keen... two E's
  34. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    If Leh can't run, why don't you drive it instead? Or another driver? Shop owner vs. shop owner? :)
  35. WJM

    WJM Banned

    I know this in more ways than you can imagine.

    In either case, the classes will get mixed attendance but it needs to be structured differently and there needs to be a place for the small displacement/low power/street tire cars to play. If anything, that class needs to be added.
  36. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Maybe... but l like to win, and while I am a decent driver I am not the fastest.
  37. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    I do appreciate the feedback from you, and the rest of you all. We've got a few threads going on various forums, and as Scott mentioned, we want to make the TT as inviting as possibile to as many different cars as possible without being too restrictive. After a week's worth of public discussion we'll likely make a final round of revisions.
  38. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    The last time I was at Roebling for a track day (back in my stock STi) I was passed repeatedly on the front straight by a moddifed C5 z06; I would catch up to him ever lap by turn 4 or 5. Just out of curiosity Sharif what's the slowest car you've driven in a motorsport event?
  39. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    Yeah, but I know you have some other very fast drivers in your aresenal. I think half the fun is driving the cars we prepare without hiring pro drivers, and honestly with enough practice anyone can get extremely fast.

    I have been on the fence about OLOA for many months, but the lackluster media coverage makes it difficult to justify the loss of a week's+ worth of business for me. It's definitly something that makes little financial sense, but it sure looks fun/miserable as hell!
  40. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    That's a great example. Just because a car passes you in the straights doesn't mean you are running a slower lap time. I would be willing to get money your laptimes would be faster on a flyer when compared to the Z06.

    The slowest car I have driven on track in timed motorsports event, is our normally aspirated 350Z. It makes about 250whp on our dyno and weighs 3250lbs without the driver. Ran a 1:21 at RR consistently and leaving some on the table since it's not my personal car.
  41. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Not when I was sitting behind him in the turns and when I could only get to 130 mph on the front straight. I have a new perspective on driving after spending a year in a 114 hp Civic...
  42. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    I feel the same way about time attack...
  43. WJM

    WJM Banned

    As it stands, my Legacy with any tire wouldnt stand a chance, same with most any normal weight vehicle with normal non-forced induction engines. Even the wife's WRX would be hard pressed to beat the potential entries in "Sporty". Throw in a Mustang Cobra, STi, base Corvette and a 135i turbo and the best WRX doesnt stand a chance. Drivers being equal of course.
  44. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    You will be competitive in sporty me.
  45. WJM

    WJM Banned

    ^I dont doubt long as said vehicles do not show up with good drivers.
  46. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    This is not just a Time Attack, but also an open track day as well. So sign up, practice and have fun on both days. If you feel your times are competitive you can do the TA...if don't loose anything.
  47. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Open track time bores me unless I'm doing R&D. I have nothing to R&D.
  48. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'm not the fastest either but if you want me to drive let me know...I have a few laps on both those tracks and I've never wrecked a Porsche so youve got that going for you as well
  49. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    We definitely want to have a class that the near Civics, Miatas, S2K's, 2.5RSs, etc are competitive in.

  50. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Do it and now instead of drifting RS's.

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