We had another great weekend, and thanks to DerekFSU for letting us test out the Hoosier R100 slicks. This is a very fast tire and we ran a 1:28 Halfway through the vid, it switches to rear view so you can check out the Aeromotions wing in action! Enjoy guys! YouTube - Forged Performance Time Attack GT-R NASA TTU 1st Place 1:28 Fast Lap
Love the rear view! It gives a different view of the track as well! Do you have in-cockpit traqmate video?
Finally gave up the ghost, after well over 200hrs of track time. We'll know what happened after we break in down, but right now I've got too many other projects going on. Might be a week or two before I have time to work on it. The good part, is that we have access to plenty of OEM and aftermarket parts so repairing it shouldnt be too bad. We've already done a few transmission overhauls and rebuilds. Nothing left the case, so that's good as well.
1:27.1 set by Reece Cox from MTI back in 2008. I think we're within striking distance with some better weather and less traffic. Here is the TM data: 1:28.1
Ouch on the tranny......esp considering a new one is $20K+. Good thing you have OEM parts lying around. And you really think you are in record distance? That's cool.
Wet/drizzly/cold track, traffic, and our first time on Hooser R100's, and still 50whp or so we can add to the car and remain in TTU....yeah I think we are in striking distance. :sx: We've rebuilt many GT-R transmission...no reason to spend $20K to replace them these days.
I will see if Scott can help me overlay the video with my TM data. If anyone wants the TM file I can email it to them. Just shoot an email to sharif@forgedperformance.com