Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by gastroker, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. gastroker

    gastroker New Member

    GADSM’s Import Showdown is scheduled for Sunday May 2nd at Silver Dollar Raceway in Reynolds Georgia.

    This event is open to every car and bike, import or domestic. It is an event put on by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts and has classes that will accommodate all types of set ups with races that range between our all motor class (usually high 12’s to low 13’s) to the competitive Showdown class (usually <10’s) as well as plenty of test and tune time in between.

    We are pleased to announce a new class for V8 Imports! Please spread the word and lets make this new class fun and exciting for all!

    Competition rules are posted here.

    Please read and review these rules carefully! We have ramped up tech inspection even more and will be closely monitoring these rules to the letter. Cheaters will NOT BE TOLERATED

    For more information about the event, visit

    Pre-registration is now open and a tech card discount is applied to those who pre-register

    Each class for I.S. is now sponsored! This is a great new way for our sponsers to get their name out even more and bring more traffic to the event. The more who attend, the greater the prize pool.

    Looking forward to seeing all of you there this Spring for an exciting time!

    You guys are not going to want to miss this event. We have a lot of big names coming out to participate, set up booths, & race. This is going to be the best Showdown GA DSM has put on to date!!!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2010
  2. Ben@TTR

    Ben@TTR Member

    ooooooooooooooooooosoundslikefun :wiggle:
  3. Tray@Forged

    Tray@Forged Member

    Hey Mike!

    I'll be there. Should be some fast cars out this year.
  4. gastroker

    gastroker New Member

    What's up Tray! Yes sir there will be. You guys need to bring something out and race.
    BTW, please note the flyer has been amended. Sparktech Ignitions has joined us as a sponsor & we are glad to have them. Please look for their booth at the event!
  5. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    So what happens if you car runs below 11 seconds and it doesnt have a cage? Will you be DQ'ed?
  6. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    Sweet! I'll be there to spectate and perhaps run my daily beater ...
  7. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    you could run an 8 second pass without a cage at silver dollar... I know
  8. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    lol - eddie running sub 11 ;P

    Hopefully I'll be right there with you :wiggle:

    I'll be there
  9. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I will make sure and leave the baby seats in for ya Drew:)

    We should get stickers made saying "Casted Failure Racing"
  10. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    Yeah! That would be totally bitchin' bro! DO IT!
  11. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I am not your bro so please stop acting like you know me...mmkay...tks bye
  12. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    Aw c'mon broski. Don't be like that brosef :(
  13. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    lol - chillax broheem

    the only stickers i'll be sporting are wrxatlanta, 4touge, batlground and ball engines, as they're the only ones i'm directly linked to that have helped with either supplying or installing parts on the car
  14. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    It was actually just a retarded monkey joke about the sticker, bro:)
  15. Mike you need to update your makes you look slow ;)

    And good god what would it take to get that old graphic that is ugly as hell off the flyer and get real logo on there?
  16. gastroker

    gastroker New Member

  17. gastroker

    gastroker New Member

    sig updated :)
  18. ballistic

    ballistic Member

    I'll be there, and so should a few Ball Engine cars
  19. gastroker

    gastroker New Member

  20. bjtyson3

    bjtyson3 Member

    EVERY Import Showdown since i got my sti in late 06 i've been able to go to but not been able to race because of some minor or major problem..this year its the head gasket on my car..i may race anyways as i have tracked it with the head gasket problem before
  21. gastroker

    gastroker New Member

  22. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I heard Shep might be making an appearance. I hope that is actually the case it would be good to see him running his car again
  23. bjtyson3

    bjtyson3 Member

    that would be awesome if shep showed up..and does anybody know if there will be a reschedule date on this if it rains? weather isnt looking too great
  24. gastroker

    gastroker New Member

    weather is fine. Its only a 30% chance of scattered thunderstorms. So even if it does rain, it wont last long. They'll dry the track and we'll keep running
  25. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    lame. an event actually on a Sunday i'm not working.... but I'm heading out of town again tomorro.


    Have fun, guys.
  26. bjtyson3

    bjtyson3 Member

    thats good..been looking forward to this since last year..always do every year..good luck mike i'd love to see a showdown between your dsm and clarks supra :)

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