2010 STI SE -- a.k.a. that which has left me (almost) speechless...

Discussion in 'Member Journals & Project Build Stories' started by hustlerofculture, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. I love this car, and we've only just met...



  2. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Umm yeah looks sexy with the tails tinted. Congrats.
  3. thanks! I wish I had the balls to do the headlights, but I really hate getting pulled over...
  4. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    Tinting headlights is a terrible idea.
    Otherwise, looks nice. :)
  5. tragedy narrowly averted then... :) thanks!
  6. btw... the garage door to the right in the 2nd picture... I had to pay for that to be replaced when my wife drove (coasted) my 05 through it... 2am July 4th is probably not the best time to teach one's wife how to drive a stick... clutch was fully engaged, but she couldn't find a free foot for the break... (I had time to tell her to brake 3x but wasn't sharp enough to pull the hand-brake)...
  7. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    i thought the special editions only came in aspin white?
    looks nice!
  8. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    they did....
  9. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    hmmm i do see spec c wheels though... so whats the deal? lol
  10. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    Thought that at first too, but I think I read somewhere first/limited run of aspen white, the rest were any color
  11. exactly... there was something like ~166 white ones, and then it became a full production model / trim package.... (a little more difference than "trim", but "model" would be too strong of a word)... I'm loving it...
  12. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    ah nice! i withdraw my doubt
  13. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Nice ride bro! Welcome to the boards!
  14. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I want a set of those wheels!
  15. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Did you get this from SOK? If so I was eyeing this the other day in the showroom, it did have a "Sold" tag on it so I assume it was this one. Very nice indeed.
  16. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Subaru of Gwinnett
  17. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Oh, well there's a black one at SOK that was just sold too ;-)
  18. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I still just want those wheels. :p
  19. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Nice looking car!
  20. Thanks everyone! the one @ SOK had a deposit on it before they received it... soooo happy went with SOG. I'm not the easiest customer, and they dealt straight and won the business... ymmv
  21. Shewb

    Shewb Member

    This makes me want to go look at a new STi!
  22. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    The new STI is an awesome car. Lots of people don't like it cause of the hatch but that is fixed with the 2011. It is more comfortable, just as fast and just as easy to mod as the old one. I would tell you to atleast go drive one. If you do, turn the SI drive to sport or sport # or you will be disappointed.

    Congrats on the car, though. I know I love mine.
  23. ThatScottGuy

    ThatScottGuy Member

    Nice ride! If they made an 2008 STI sedan I would have bought one but had to settle because I don't like the hatch back. Will have to check out the rumored 2011 STI sedan and see if I can resist the urge to upgrade.

    The hatches are growing on me though.
  24. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    There is no rumor, they are coming(2011 STI sedans) this Fall.
  25. I had an 05 sedan, and it was the *best* car that I *had* ever driven... (I've owned and driven quite a few)... I love the hatchback, but it just suites me (as I currently exist)... I'd like to know if the center of gravity is different between the sedan and the 5-door... this car handles *way* better than my 05... the stiffness makes it more responsive in all directions (seemingly even forward)... I feel much lower, and it seems way more stable... I understand that the beefed up suspension could explain all of this, but it really *feels* like the COG has been lowered and brought forward...
  26. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Umm... *ok* ? j/k... awesome car...Looks great with the tinted tails and I'm lovin those wheels...
  27. ThatScottGuy

    ThatScottGuy Member

    Will definitely have to check one out then.
  28. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    first version of the new STi to peak my interest- nice! too bad we had to wait so long
  29. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Saw it in person yesterday:) Beautiful car man and it was nice to meet you!
  30. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    pfft, yea but mines got automatic climate control..
  31. I managed to *not* screw up this step...


    You can't even tell that I took a hacksaw to the crossbars. ...except by the extra-tight fit... :)

  32. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I guess CW finally got the right parts in for ya:)
  33. Kinda... I had to hit Rswl Bikes for a part, still don't have actual bike carrier... but we're getting there... :)
  34. Thanks! I'm watchin' out for you rollin' 'round the JC...
  35. blade80

    blade80 New Member

    i think i saw you on last Friday at 141. I was is black evo x with california tag. ur sti look Beautiful
  36. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    LOL...you should of let me know...I get a discount at both shops since I race for Roswell and use to race for CW:)
  37. hell yeah... I saw you.. the cali tag gave you away... that evo's tight.. the only other car I considered...
  38. I appreciate it! the whole bike rack thing would have been easier online, but I figured I should support my LBS every once and a while... it kinda' backfired, but I still love the cw guys...
  39. blade80

    blade80 New Member

    Haha thanks. I will wave at u next time I see u

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