Forged Performance Summer Tuning Special!

Discussion in 'Forged Performance' started by Decker@Forged, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    Hey everyone!

    Here's a great deal that Forged Performance would like to extend to the Subaru community.


    That's right! Get a solid and reliable tune from our world class tuner this summer at a great flat rate of $395. Appointments are filling up quickly!

    Call us today at 770-792-0202!

    *The flat rate applies to tuning only. If there are any troubleshooting/diagnostic/mechanical issues that come up, they will be charged separate from the tune.
  2. tolnep

    tolnep Member

    out of curiosity, who is the 'world class tuner'?

    SS is not doing your tunes anymore, right? they hire someone new?
  3. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Wouldn't it make more sense to do it hourly vs flat rate? I would imagine that people with a simple setup would be getting ripped off with the flat rate, while wondering what you would do for more complicated setups that come in for a flat rate tune. How do you account for the wide array of mods that might be in a car when offering flat rate pricing for a tune?
  4. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    De Ja Vu...didnt we have this discussion the first time they introduced flat rate tuning?
  5. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    We've had flat rate Subaru tuning ($450) for a while now and it's worked out just fine. For the amount of time that we spend on the cars, it's worth it. We like to take our sweet time to ensure that you guys are getting the most accurate and reliable tune, so it works out in your benefit.
  6. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    This... :)
  7. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Well who's the tuner? Sharif?
  8. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    Sharif will be doing the tuning. He's tuned over a thousand vehicles from all over the world and is very knowledgeable and experienced. Since we do have a heavy tuning load, we may be hiring another tuner in the near future to share tuning duties with Sharif.
  9. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member do you really feel?

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