Hey everyone! Here's another great deal from Forged Performance for you to take advantage of. We're introducing our Performance Evaluation packages at a great price. What's a performance evaluation? Here's what you get: - OBD II Scan for Check Engine Lights - Inspect Condition of Spark Plugs - Compression & Leak Down Test - Smoke Test - Inspect Fluid Levels - Inspect Drivetrain - Inspect Tires - Inspect Hoses & Hose Clamps - Inspect Belts - Inspect Cooling System - Inspect Braking System - Test Charging System - Inspect Exhaust system for leaks - Inspect vehicle for any Fluid leaks - Inspect Suspension Components - Dyno Test with Air/Fuel Reading - Road Test - Vehicle Condition Write Up, & Optional Q&A's with Master Technician & Sales Representative This evaluation is great before a long trip, as a vehicle pre-purchase inspection, before a big build, or as a pre/post track day check. Interested? Give us a call today at 770-792-0202 to make your appointment! Thanks!
Nice! How much for just a smoke test? I have a P1457 "EVAP Emission Control System Leak Detected (Control Canister System)" to diagnose on a 96 Civic CX. Keeps coming back. Only two sensors (EVAP and two-way valve) and the canister. All look okay, lines look okay.