High school web design and development teaching position. Full-time but part-time if needed, we are kind of desperate for a teacher with these skills. I am currently covering the classes along with a staff mamber that is teacher certified, but teaching is not my thing. So if there is anyone out there who knows their stuff, is out of a job and doesn't mind teaching at a private institution. Great benefits and atmosphere. Teaching experience, teaching cert, master's perferred but not necessary if the right person comes along.
I didn't know you taught, where at? And I'll keep my ears open for anyone qualified looking. I don't know many with a teacher cert though.
St. Pius X. I don't teach, they just have me covering classes for technical questions, since I'm one of the IT guys and webmaster there. Teacher cert is not necessary as long as experience is there. Thanks Alex.
St Pius eh? Never stepped foot onto their campus. Visited the other major private schools though: Lovett, Marist, Woodward.