Migraines - what works for you?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by John, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. John

    John Active Member

    Who gets migraines and what works to help yours out?
  2. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Call me when they diagnose you with cluster headaches...

    Have you seen a neurologist, what have you tried, what works/doesn't work for you, how's your diet, smoker, family history, how long do they last, etc.?

    One person will say excedrin, another will say imitrex, while another will say that imitrex will give you horrible rebounds. You will basically get a list of everything OTC and Rx, oh...oxygen and water if you want to go drug free.

    Best of luck.
  3. osborne519

    osborne519 Member

    a pill that is a mixture of caffeine, ibuprofen and hydrocodone my doc gave them to me they work wonders if u have nothing to do all day.. otherwise i drink drpepper and take 4 advil and wear dark glasses
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  4. John

    John Active Member

    I have not seen a neurologist (med insurance).

    I don't get them too often. Never more then once a month...sometimes I'll go several months without getting them. I was taking Ultram for them for awhile, but it doesn't seem to work anymore even at a higher does. My migraines will usually hit in the late afternoon / early evening and last several hours...sometimes until 4am or so

    Diet isn't too bad. I drink a lot of soda and I do smoke, but I don't drink...

    Wagunz, you sound like a freaking doctor lol
  5. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    You NEED to see a Dr. But, I understand...

    There is no way to know. Um, if you "drink a lot of soda"...you might be dealing with a caffeine dependency. You would need to slowly cut back on the caffeine and drink more water. Or, it could be a serotonin imbalance...you never know. Maybe it's your time of the month?

    Until you can see a neuro, keep a log of when you get them. Time, weather, what you have eaten/drank in the last 24, what you took, how much sleep, did you jerk off that day?...everything.

    Not a Dr. but I've have them for almost 14 years.
  6. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

  7. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Oh...and getting advice on here and not some place like HERE, is useless.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  8. John

    John Active Member

    I know that no one here will be able to give me a definate answer of how I can help my migraines. Just looking for new ideas to try that might help a bit.

    I'll do what you said wagunz, thanks for the advise
  9. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    well then...stand in the west most facing corner of the house, with your left foot in the air. While spinning counterclockwise, rub your stomach clockwise and pat your head. Don't forget to say "rubber baby buggy bumpers" 5 times fast, every 3rd rotation.


  10. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    ME TOO!!!!!
    except they usually go away by 10pm or so.
    i think its bc i sit in front of a computer monitor ALL DAY EVERYDAY
  11. John

    John Active Member

    I don't. I'm on and off the computer several times a day, but I usually don't spend any extended periods of time on it except late at night. Most of my day is spent in the shop working on cars
  12. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    yea i use to get killer migraines.
    i try to sleep them off
  13. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

  14. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    My wife had bad migraines about 1-2 times a month before we all went see a chiropractor and got adjusted. Migraines are gone now but it will take more than 1 session to have it fixed.
  15. tolnep

    tolnep Member

    i used to be a pharmacist, hated it got into computers. i have migraines, actually diagnosed as cluster headaches. called cluster because you tend to get them in clusters, say you have one monday, another tuesday etc and then none for a while.

    assuming you go to the doctor and their isnt some other cause (brain tumor, high blood pressure, aneurism) you will be best served by getting a prescription for a vasoconstrictor drug. your headaches are a 'vascular' event. the blood vessels in part of your head (migraines are typically on one side side, around your temple) swell causing the pain. often feels like its your sinuses clogging. a vasoconstrictor will cause the vessels to contract,eliminating the pain.

    i used to take cafergot (ergotamine and caffeine). not very effective. i then moved on to zomig (zolmitriptan) tablets. these worked but are around 75 to 80 bucks for 3 tablets and my insurance stopped paying for them. so i moved on to immitrex 100mg which is now off patent and cheap since its a 'generic' drug.

    historically i had doctors trying other things, inderal, things you take daily. one suggested histamine therapy. they give you histamine in ever increasing doses to desensitize your body to vasodilation. this treatment is supposedly very painful since it causes the headaches themselves. dont know if they still do this.

    finally found a doctor that would simply treat the symptoms. the pain and the vasodilation. its important btw to take the pills as soon as you feel a headache coming on.

    folks who get 'normal' headaches often poo-poo migraines since they dont understand how bad they can be. bad ones would give me around 24 hours of bad pain and nausea. i would try to lie absolutely still in a cool dark room and not move and try to sleep.
  16. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    Yep, same for my wife. Best investment we ever made!
  17. I get them every once in awhile. The prescription my doctor gave me doesn't really work. My secret to getting through it is.....a RICE SOCK.... take a brand new sock (unless you want your house/office to smell like feet) and fill it with plain white uncooked rice. Tie it with a string/ribbon (make sure there is no metal in the sock or string) and heat in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. PLace rice sock over eyes (make sure its not too hot so you don't burn yourself) and go to sleep/lay down/etc.

    I've found that store bought heating pads are not as effective as a rice sock.
  18. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I usually drink a couple more glasses of Firefly :)
  19. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    of course it does, that's how they keep making money

  20. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    This is why I'd rather give my money to somebody that "make me think I"ll be doing better" than a pharmaceutical company who tells me I'll be better, which I won't, then I'll try another one which will not be better; then my money will go to those giant money maker (not rich enough!) where the little guy will try to satisfy a customer like me with a natural way.
    I'm not saying that drugs are not necessary, don't get me wrong, for proof, I think the discover of penicillin is the best one (a natural one) but at least I try to leave my body drug free as much as possible.

    What did I just said?!!! That's a too wide subject of conversation!! MMWWWWAAAAAAA!
  21. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    Definitely Chiropractor. I've been going for the past 11 years and use to go three times a day when I worked 5 min from it off west paces ferry. It used to be $20 a week unlimited visits b/c we got a group/family/referal discount. Don't get those discounts anymore now that wellstar bought them out and then one of the workers bought the practice from wellstar. Now it's $20 a visit. Probably the best I've been to around town.
  22. lobelsteve

    lobelsteve Member

    I'd go see a Neurologist. He'll try all kinds of meds with tons of side effects that don't work too well. Then a bunch of tests including an MRI of your brain. When that all fails he will put you on meds that are addicting and send you to a pain doc who wants to put needles in your neck, a q-tip (sterile cotton-tipped applicator) down your nose, a needle through your cheek to 1 inch behind your eyeball (gasserian ganglion block), and if all that fails- a pair of wires under your skin over the base of your skull and a battery in your armpit to power them up.

    Get kicked in the shin- the distraction will reduce your headache.


    Don't call me.
  23. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    ^^Dayum I think I would just do a mountain of cocaine first.
  24. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    This is why health care cost SO much; you go to the doctor for migraine and you end up with MRI, expensive prescriptions..... for what? Probably you MIGHT just have a nerve that is stuck somewhere.

    Oh, I just sneeze... I'm leaving, going to the doctor.......
  25. b reel

    b reel Active Member

  26. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    My brother has those. Almost nothing worked for him.

    If I get them, I have to hang out in low light with low stimulation until it passes.
  27. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ahh.. ye ole doctor vs. chiropractor debate... Either go to a Doctor, keep trying pills to you find the right one... with the side effects being worse than the original problem (death.. balls fall off etc..) or Chiropractor... which would be great if after they fix your problem, you didn't have to go back 3 times a week... FOREVER... Both options suck.
  28. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    ^^^ I don't who is/was your chiropractor but to go 3 times a week is a little excessive. I had 2 chiropractors both said the same thing: Depending on how your spine is, because chiropractors have computerized equipment to determine how off is your spine , which will diagnostic how often you have to get care but usually you should go to them once a week for the first 6 month, then they do another evaluation, then you should be able to go once every 2 weeks for routine.
  29. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    I went three times a day. Not b/c of headaches, car accidents, mental health or anything. Just went b/c I felt out of alignment from sitting at a desk and lifting heavy equipment. Felt great after every visit. I was always off on alignment.
  30. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I was being sarcastic (going along with the "balls may fall off with pills" example... but, point is, once the Chiro touches you, you are going back.. a lot. And they must be great sellers, you guys are happy to do it! Auto going 3 times a day with a smile. My time is valuable (to me), I don't want to spend all of it, and my hard earned $$ at the Chiro... Not saying a Doctor is better, I'm saying that guaranteed multiple visits and big $$ is not acceptable.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  31. lobelsteve

    lobelsteve Member

    Not a tumor.

    Arnold S in Kindergarten Cop.

    I'd see a real doctor. Might be biased.
  32. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    No problem, I didn't catch it!! There is an alternative to the individual chiro, that's Life University. They'll be taking care of you the same except it's a lot cheaper but that will be with students supervised by chiropractor teacher.
    This is where everything started for me.

    Man, they even went into my brain for me to talk that much on a forum where I, usually, am more of a lurker!! :eek4:
  33. cMags

    cMags Member

    My wife goes to Life. If you want to get into the clinic there, let me know. Ill have her get contact info for a competent student. Just like md's chiropractors can be good or poor. Also the dofference is md vs. Chiro, not doctor vs chiro - they're both doctors. But that's a different rant.

    Sent from my Evo Shift using Tapatalk
  34. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

  35. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    ganja makes everything good. Seriously.
  36. lsnaple

    lsnaple Member

    I don't get them, but my gf does. Its ridiculous. She tried some different pills, but going to the chiropractor actually helped. It makes sense too, just think about it. The spine being misaligned puts different pressures on the body than it should be experiencing and it affects the nerves and everything else. She started off going a couple times a week, now might go once or twice a month. Does that not sound better than eating different pills with different side effects?

    I know this might sound odd, but also try a massage therapist. Her friend is one and helped her, though I think most won't want to do this, even with a glove. She reached in her mouth, and massaged some muscles near the baack of her cheek, and my gf instantly felt the pressure where the headache usually comes from. It relieved her pain pretty well, I assume like pushing on a sore spot anywhere on your body.

    Of course my remedy if I had them would be to burn one or trip balls. Seriously works (well masks) because it interupts the nerve signals.
  37. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    I see changes in people on a daily basis under Chiropractic care. Going to a Chiropractor is generally the least expensive, least invasive, safest way to go. I know a few great doctors in and around Atlanta. Going to Life is an option, but what you won't spend in cash, you will spend in time. Going to a Chiropractor will be a lot faster to get evaluated. If you have any specific questions, shoot me a PM or email.
  38. cMags

    cMags Member

    Yea going to the clinic at life is a slow process because the students are working on you for credit and basically have to run everything they do by the professor and get signed off on things. The first visit / physical exam being the worst.. a couple hrs at least (usually broken up over a visit or two). But they'll be checking things very carefully and cutting no corners like some doctors in the field unfortunately do...

    On a side note, Dr.Chris, are you a DC?

    Sent from my Evo Shift using Tapatalk
  39. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    Absolutely right!

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