Well, all went as planned on the proposal... Got a cabin in Helen. Everything was perfect! Here are a few shots (ring, engagement dinner, scenery).. and a link to the cabin we stayed in (better picks on the site than I could take)... Thanks to everyone who chipped in advice on the ring purchase... She loved it! http://www.tanglewoodcabinrentals.com/cabin.php?id=56
If I had to do it all over again...which I can't and wouldn't. I would have saved $10+k on the wedding and went to the court house. hehehehhe...Oh well, it twas fun.
I know man... took me FOREVER to save up enough a couple grand for a half way decent ring.. I'd imagine even the smallest wedding would be 4-5 grand... I'm not getting any help either... I have no idea how I'm going to pull that off...
LOL.. that may very well happen. I just really want my parents (live in Michigan and are broke due to crappy economy), and my girls Grandma (lives in Vegas, too old to fly) to be there. Its a logistic and economic nightmare. Best I can figure, I'm going to have it at a tiny chappel in Vegas with a small reception at her Grandmas house after... then our honeymoon will be in Vegas... But even that would be expensive.. Yikes...
Buy your parents tickets to Vegas (plan ahead for cheap prices) Get married in the tiny chapel, hotels are cheap in Vegas, party with Grandma and then take a honeymoon to someplace nice with your money. My ex and I spent a lot on my first marriage and it was a joke.. My second husband and I went to JOP, then hopped on our goldwing and rode from Michigan out to Mt Rushmore for a honeymoon (yep we are nerds) and 23 years later we are still very much in love. Don't waste your money on a huge wedding unless she is insisting on it. It won't make you any more married.. just my 2 cents.
What I've noticed with friends and family is big weddings end with big divorce. Those who were sensible or to broke for a big wedding are still married.
Take the courthouse/best little chapel advice seriously. You can save a hell of a lot of money and still have a big-ass party for your family and friends. Our wedding/reception was great, and we don't regret it, but we do regret not having a savings account with a couple extra zeros in it.
She's not insisting on a big wedding... and I've pretty much told her.. its not going to happen. You can't make money appear out of nowhere. If I wanted to save up for a huge wedding it would take years... Yes, I would be perfectly happy with just our immediate family and a few friends that could make it out... I think she will too.. I believe the only thing she was insistant on was a pretty white dress... So yes, married by Elvis, small party at Grandmas and honeymoon on the strip is the likely plan.
^^ lol.... The Sonicboom actually came from my WRX color and me being an ex F16 crew chief, not StreetFighter... so it took me a second to figure out your post.
Congrats. My wife and I spent like $3500 total for our wedding and the honeymoon. Not too bad for ~ 75 people at the wedding, feeding them all, and a week long stay for two places (one for Myrtle Beach for the in laws to spend the week in MB while they were down from NY and one for our honeymoon in Sanibel, Fl). We did all the decorating ourselves and catered ourselves.....a LOT can be saved if you can do all of that.
^^ WoW, 3.5k, that's it. Wish I could do that. On my wedding that much will go into alcohol alone, damn Bosnians.
Wow, thats amazing! Hoping to come in not too much over that. Just found out we are having it here rather than Vegas, so that'll save me a lot of money. My girls Mom mentioned we could have the reception at her complex's pool house, which would be next to nothing. Just depends how many people we want to have at the in the actual wedding... Which, I'm thinking about just having 1 or 2 groomsmen/bridesmaids each (Dad, best friend etc..). Hoping a small private ceremony won't be too expensive... Been looking at all inclusive resorts for honeymoon... Thinking Jamaica/Bahamas/DR or something...
So how can you post pics of food, a ring, and a little covered boobage but no pics of the unlucky lady
^^ lol.. suppose I could post a pic of her... I'll have to check with her to see which pic is approved for interwebs...
Silly pic of "unlucky" lady...lol... figured the 420 folks may appreciate as well. This pic was in some Atlanta Bands website recently.... Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Congrats. I recommend the small wedding you can pay cash for as well. Don't go into debt over your wedding. It will just cause stress you don't need in a young marriage!
I agree! Friends locally just went to a wedding and it was almost $100K! Shoot buy me a freaking house instead of wasting that money in one day!
Yes... Wedding / Honeymoon will be paid in cash... Hoping to buy a house shortly after. I don't need any more debt...
As long as the house is 100% in your name and your name only.....go for it LOL my house and land is 100% in my name AFTER my wife and I got married. But since we married really doesn't matter.
^^ Really doesnt matter to me. It will be in my name, but if anything ever happened between us, i would leave her everything.