Speed & Mischief - Cruise For Cause - Charity Mountain Run

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by UpSideDownDesi, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. UpSideDownDesi

    UpSideDownDesi Active Member

    For past three year Speed & Mischief has been doing private events to quench our thirst for automotive bliss beyond the parking lot. It has always been fun and an great experience having such great company of people who attend. People of every age and social group, car of every make & model. Such diversity that isn't seen often. Each event we drive for the thrill, for the mischief, for the rush, but this event we "Cruise for Cause."

    Date: 10/23/11
    Location: GA Mountains
    Time: 7:00am-6:00pm

    -A Charity event that donates as 93 octane's burned out of tail pipes.
    -A Charity event that donates with each mile we leave behind.
    -A charity event that donates with time in driver seat.

    Speed & Mischief is proud to bring "Cruise for Cause - Charity Mountain Run" in support of DAVAI Health, a non-profit organization.

    DAVAI's Mission
    "To bridge the gap between villagers in rural India and healthcare access by focusing on preventive medicine and patient education."

    It is not a BIG Non-Profit organization rather a small one run by current medical students who have the will to make a difference and devote their time for benefit of others who aren't so fortunate. Not many times you see few young professionals with a vision to make a change, to give, and sacrifice their own time without seeking any self benefit.

    I won't make this any longer, but all proceeds from this event will go to DAVAI to facilitate their mission and purpose. You can read more about them at DAVAI | Healthcare: There's A Simple Answer..

    As all Speed & Mischief events, this is also Registration Only event.

    This isn't going to be your average charity car show. Speed & Mischief is all about seat time and thinking beyond the parking lot.

    Donation per seat is $45, and will include Snack & Lunch for all the attendees. You are welcome to donate what you are comfortable with, each dollar counts.

    Route will be roughly around 200 miles. This is a Dusk till Dawn event, all day fun. Event Location & Route will only be given to registered attendees.

    Route was pre-ridden then hand picked by one of our event planners, David New, who grew up in GA mountains and has been ridding their for over 15 years.

    Registration has already begun, please register by doing so.
    1. Email your & passenger's Full Name, phone number, vehicle's make & model that will attend, and full picture of the vehicle to SpeedandMischief@gmail.com.
    2. Registration Forms and payment info will be emailed to you.
    3. Fill out Registration forms, send in payment, and email back forms.

    Example what a donation of $45 can do, cover full medical examination for an 3 individual. Image the difference we can make for someone in need by simply doing what we love doing, driving.

    Sunny Malhotra
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
  2. UpSideDownDesi

    UpSideDownDesi Active Member

    Update: Event donation price has been changed to fix $45, and will include snack and lunch. Less than 3 weeks left, if you haven't registered then do so now. A good cause behind what we love doing.
  3. UpSideDownDesi

    UpSideDownDesi Active Member

    bump, no one from the forum?
  4. UpSideDownDesi

    UpSideDownDesi Active Member

    bump for a good cause and a fun Run. Hope to see some WRX Atlanta members out supporting the event. :)

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