Rally Team in Columbus

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by driveclimbslide, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. driveclimbslide

    driveclimbslide New Member

    Hi everyone. My name is Sam and I'm the owner/driver of the Revolutionary Sports 2004 Rally STi. Just moved from NY to Columbus and am looking forward to meeting WRX Atlanta members. Blah blah blah.... pictures!

    Here's our pride and glory:



    I'll get a member's journal going shortly but in the meantime you can check out our team's Facebook page at:

  2. driveclimbslide

    driveclimbslide New Member

    I should also mention that we are currently looking for motorsports friendly facilities for testing and practice. We're not too familiar with the area but could definitely use your collective knowledge to find a place. Thank you!
  3. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    military I presume?

    There isnt much in Colamebus as far as motorsports go. I dont even think there is an Autox venue there. would be nice to see someone get the ball rolling on that though.
  4. driveclimbslide

    driveclimbslide New Member


    I didn't think there was much going on around Columbus. I saw a dirt track in Google Earth across the river but that's about it. Not too many safe playgrounds. Plenty of land with great roads, but everyone hordes it for themselves. Oh well.

    I'd like to gauge the interest of running a rallyx event. It could easily be done. Not too sure though given how many Nascar fans there are down here driving without turn signals and passing on the right... :hsnono:
  5. Drowland87

    Drowland87 Staff Member Supporting Member

    ^ nascar FTL and yes 98% of drivers here shouldn't be allowed to be behind a wheel. Also welcome! Sexy car! I wish I had the money to get into that

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