Allright guys, As far as I know, Commerce closes on the 18th... So, me and a couple buddies(with an 05' STi and Mustang GT) are going on Friday the 11th.... Haven't seen everyone for a while so it'd be cool if we could get a good WRXATL showing. I'll be leaving for work on Mcfarland at 5:30 if anyone wants to caravan with us... C'mon guys....lets do this... come and watch if you don't want to race!
i am going, but ive been the last 2 weeks in a row, takeing this week off and going on the last night, the 18'th
Maybe if I strip out my interior and get a 20g between now and then 11.999 could happen. The turbo I am currently running is clearly maxed out. I am going to try a couple of things before the 18th. Realistically maybe I'll get a 12.3x. A half second is a lot of time to shave off.
I have a question: this is my first track run with the STi. Does anyone lock the diff's when they run? Shewb
I have in the past, but i normally forget, and havent seen that big of a difference. if you do just remember to unlock it before you turn off the track.
Allright guys, is there a place in the parking lot everyone wants to meet? or should I just look for Subarus???? So far from my work, I have me, an 05' Sti, 03' Mustang GT, 04' GTO(400hp!) and a huge Ford 250 with 500+ hp....
anyone know of any cheap hotels around the drag way? i not going to try to drive back friday night. btw, i will have the data logging software with me if anyone wants to play with it
Also...anyone know where the race gas is around the track? I want to throw a couple gallons in b4 the show!
Chris, I may take you up on the data logging if possible. As far as I know, they have Sunoco out there. There's a Shell in Alpharetta on Crabapple that sells 100 octane for $5.99/gallon.
Lots of hotels right near the track. It's not a big tourist area so I would imagine they are fairly cheap.
Not sure exactly, I'm following people. It's way up 85N...Don't remember the exit #. hopefully someone will post directions b4 tonight.... See you guys there!!!!
Just got back around 1:45... Good times... not as big a WRXATL turnout as I'd hoped, we had me, Shewb, Rolling_trip, Kanchou and Ped. I ran better than last time(still shitty for my mods but...) with my best run being 14.25 @ 96mph... I really wanted to get into the 13's, don't think its meant to be at this track. I nailed the launch, fast shifts... Could use some improvement with my 60 foots though(all 3 runs at 2.0).... oh well, looks like bigger turbo time! There was some really sweet cars there...A new vette running 10's, and a huge amount of older firebirds/camaros with a zillion hp... And the biggest loser award of the night goes to the guy in the Ferrari 360 Modeno running 15's( much???) Then on to Applebees for Steak and Shrimp.... Good times!!!
I think its 5:30...with the shitty ass traffic everywhere, I can never get there b4 7pm.... I think next time I'll leave way early to miss the traffic and get there at 3 or 4... then I can get more than 3 runs in...
^^ how'd the runs with the Turbo Cabriolet go?? It looked like you two played tag for a while, until you got too far ahead to see.
Ped, playing with the Carrera was pretty fun...We ended up racing all the way down 85. Jason finally caught up with us and then we took turns handing him is ass... In hindsight, that was really stupid of us, but I guess I just didn't get all the racing out of me since I only got 3 runs.... It was fun though!
not bad pulled better than me i was hoping for 13s and i suck at launching so bad when i went i hit no better than a 15.00.....13.2 is respectable.
Wish I coulda went, but had wierd issues, which cleared up later, then ended up at dallas cuz i was too lazy to head out to 85. Sounds like all had fun tho!
so is this the list of people goin this friday? 1 SonicBoom 2 miloman 3 rolling_trip 4 LiquidForce 5 redefinedWRX 6 Shewb 7 pEd 8 Kanchou 9 JJang12 10 mattprzy 11 bambooi 12 bigb996 13 Genya 14 jt money 15 Alex (maybe) 16 Weapon wrX (maybe) 17 spaceman come on fellas i know we havent had a meet in a while. lets all try to go and reprezent WRXatl. i can think about 10 more people i would like to see on this list! ill save the call outs til later in the week.
im not racing either but would be nice to have some people to sit with that arent racing. lol so we gonna meet at discover mills in the parking lot near discount tire @ 7pm... we will leave by 7.30pm... like last time i went or are we gonna just meet there?
will you or a mod update the first post with that info and the list i started if its correct? thank you
lets just start a new thread... do u wanna start it? i'll stick it when i get back home... bout to leave work