Lamin-x Protective Films NEW BRZ!!!!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by JEFFSTI, Jun 11, 2012.


    JEFFSTI Member

    Hello guys,

    My Name is Jeff Smith and i work for Lamin-x Protective Films. You can find our website at WWW.LAMIN-X.COM We are looking for someone that is a proud new owner of the Subaru BRZ and is looking to protect the headlights & taillights while customizing the look of there new ride. If you are the owner of the new BRZ or know someone that is we are giving away a free set of Lamin-x to first person that calls sets up a appointment with me for us to make a template of the head and taillights. You will have to drive your car to Blairsville Ga (blood mountain) for us to make a template of the lights.

    Please call Jeff Smith 706 955 0677

    I am here at the shop from 9:30-6:00 Monday-Friday
  2. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Paging Matt!
  3. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I've already spoken with him. :)
  4. Blindeye_03

    Blindeye_03 New Member

    Sadface... I was all excited till.. :(

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