Rotax TaG kart

Discussion in 'Member Journals & Project Build Stories' started by nicad, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    got the mychron installed and tested. works well


    went down the street to test it. neighbors down the street came outside and threw down an 8ft section of gutter to try and stop me. stopped, turned the kart off and proceeded to scream at them.
  2. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    *Knock, knock*
  3. CelticPride

    CelticPride Banned

    *click clack*
  4. lucky13

    lucky13 Member

    wow. Wish I could have seen that.
  5. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Hah, finally tried testing my ir transmitter. Thought that the batteries just needed to be replaced. I opened the thing up and found that all the batteries had leaked and were eating away at the computer board. I cleaned it up and replaced that batteries. It lights up but i have no idea if it really works.

    Here's hoping they use magnetic strips.
  6. lucky13

    lucky13 Member

    that was my 100th post!! neat...
  7. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I emailed jeremy a few weeks ago and they are unsure of what timing system they will be using. I would hope for magnetic pick up with multiple splits
  8. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Yeah I agree. Magnetic, broken up into a few sectors would be awesome.
  9. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    received a few parts in the other day: temp probe for the rotax head (water temp sensor) and various oil and consumables

    looking to take the carb off and completely disassemble and clean soon. get used to changing jets when I need to track side based on weather conditions.

    regarding helmets.. I think I will just order a new motorcycle helmet and do double duty with it for bikes and karts. any thoughts? although I have heard the kart helmets have a wider field of view, I can't justify such a specialty item when the bike helmet translates over just fine. the only thing I am concerned about is WEIGHT. pulling lateral Gs in the kart is going to murder my neck and traps if I have a heavy helmet


    edit: also need to order a track suit and shoes
  10. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    I'm using an aria motorcycle...mainly cause I have a giant head and they make helmets for people with giants heads.

    I ran in a 24hr kart race in may and my neck wasn't an issue at all after 6hrs of driving. Pick up either a neck donut or a hans style brace it helps alot for reducing load. This is the one I'm using Actually if you need it I've got a extra donut I can give you if i see you at the track.

    Have you seen the BS about AMP/TS Racing requiring everyone to use vega tires? I'm waiting for some confirmation from Jeremy on the issue, but i really don't like the idea of being forced into a spec tire. Especially one that isn't used in rotax series and are known to wear out quickly.
  11. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I did see that and am not very happy about it. it seems to be some BS tire that TS Racing is pushing. if it's not some kind of event for points, I don't see what the issue is. they don't require a spec tire on the big boy track, so why the kart track?
  12. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Make sure to shoot Jeremy an email about it. Im not sure how involved in that dicision they are, but i really dont like the idea of them imposing rules on members like that after we've already signed up.
  13. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Just heard back from Becky. She says they mistated that rule and that it only applies to there race series. So thats good.
  14. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    that makes sense. you can't specify a spec tire for just screwing around on track.
  15. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    rebuilding the carb (for practice) and installing the temp sensor probe for the mychron. gonna be slick!

    ordered a sparco CIK level 2 suit and a new Bell SA2010 helmet. gopro is ready to go as well

    xcritic are you headed up to the track anytime soon?
  16. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Just changed the gear oil, fuel lines, and sent the mycron to get the power button replaced. Ran the kart around the neighborhod on sat. The thing is crazy fast.

    Im going to the members event on saturday with the family.
  17. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I'll be up there also. shoot me a PM
  18. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    take it to amp
  19. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    which track do you think they are talking about?
  20. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Are you bringing your kart on saturday?
  21. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    I was looking online at prices for one and it looks like they go anywhere from about $2600 to $5000 used. Is that about right?
  22. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Depends on the motor and age of the kart.

    The standard rotax senior motor with low hours in a newish chassis can be had for about 3k.

    The rotax dd2 with low hours on a newish chassis is about 5k.

    In both cases that should net your some spares and other parts. I believe I payed $5500 for mine and it came with a bunch of stuff, including a electric kart lift stand.

    These motors need a rebuild every 50hrs of use, which is very good. But the comes at a cost. A rebuild is something like $1000-1500. Thats if you want to keep it as a sealed motor, which if you plan on racing you'll have to. It about balances out with other motor service costs that require service every 5-10 hrs, you just go longer and get hit with a bigger chunk at once. is a good place to shop for used packages. Shipping is about $300 for a kart and gear.
  23. Dheim96

    Dheim96 Member

    Thanks for the great info!
  24. Texsun

    Texsun Member

  25. xcritic

    xcritic Member

  26. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

  27. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    took to the kart to AMP on saturday to run some laps on the B track.

    this is my first time with the kart on this track. gearing was wrong, and the track was still very damp due to rain all morning. awesome track, though. afternoon session was much faster after the track dried off and I found the right line for the last turn.

  28. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    edit: whoops
  29. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    new sprockets and some other goodies ordered. need to fix the gearing and stop bouncing off the rev limiter
  30. xcritic

    xcritic Member

    Next gear ratio installed... only one more traditional ratio after this one...which would have to be special ordered. So lets hope its good as is. Also installed 3 overflow tanks so no more gear oil spiting onto the engine. Ready for Saturday
  31. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I'll be out of town. heading up there on the 13th
  32. jrat

    jrat Member

    I really want to get into karting but the cost and level of commitment is holding me back. I may do the classes/school at AMP to at least give it a try...i've never even been on a legit kart.

    Do any of you know anything about the AMP karting school?
  33. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    karts hold their value pretty well, so you could always sell it if you didn't like it.

    I will tell you, a TaG kart is a HANDFUL to control at race pace. They don't even compare to something like Andrettis.

    nope. give them a call and talk to bret spaude. I believe they use KT100s for their school. If anything, you could get some seat time
  34. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    third race at AMP will be this saturday. might rain.. so off to mount some rain tires. this will be interesting

    currently have podiums in the first two races. I need to lose weight
  35. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    There's a few competitive Adult Kart drivers with us at the Auto-X events. Come on out, they usually have the fastest time of the day. Their PAX is killer, though.

    For some reason I didn't see ALL the other posts with this. Rookie mistake :/
  36. jrat

    jrat Member

    I went to points 4 as a novice. Had a blast! I wonder if you and I met. I'm Justin in the 06 STi.

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