So I have my voucher so its time to get another glock. Which would you choose and why? Which model do you think has the greatest current value or would retain its value? Really dont need another but for 399 kind of hard to resist. hoping some of the usual suspects will chime in. Glock haters keep out!
I wanted the fde but some place in cajunville bought all according to several reputable stores I spoke with. Any luv for the .45 or 10mm? 19 was my first instinct. The lady already has a 9mm but I don't.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A551 Safari/8536.25) I have the 23, I really enjoy it.
I currently have a Glock 36, (.45) I love it since i conceal carry a lot, I also had a glock 23 (.40) it was cool and all but i love the subcompact on the Glock 36 so decided to sell the glock 23 to
Yeah i mean cool calibers, but as far as always having a market and being able to sell with in an hr of posting...9mm ccw is typically the way to go.
Glock 34. Now that you are GSSF, use it to come shoot competition...with Steve and I. I have one and absolutely love it. You will actually save more on the purchase and it will hold it's resale value better than the other models.
WRboxer I agree and am not sure if I will even keep it. If I don't I am looking for which will net the most $ not so much the quick sale. Cohen - I can't find time to make it to a Tuesday meet so getting out to shoot matches is not likely. If I can the 34 is what I would get. Also, been GSSF for the last 4 yrs.
looks like i'm in for a wait so I have time to figure out what I want to do. All the participants in the pistol purchase program that are near me have a long waiting list
Join and shoot GSSF shooting matches. Its a glock only shooting match, they send you a $50 off coupon on a glock. I think ill be doing a 19w/night sites. $550 out the door for a gen 4.
maybe you need to go to Smyrna Police Dist on Windy Hill. I think its 380 or 399 for the PPP. I could be wrong but that was what I paid last time.
Thats who i went through, $550 OTD for a gen 4 w/night sights, tax, tag, and title. Gen 4's typically go for ~$550-600 no night sights +$35-40 tax.
These are the current prices w/o tax.
Any of you glock fanboys have or know someone with a .45GAP? If so...let me know and I will give you a box of ammo that I accidentally picked up at a store with one time.
How long ago? SPD had them for $399 last time I was there for LE. Glock regulates the pricing, not the dealer.
Its a awesome round to shoot. I want another 1911 in 10mm. Shooting properly loaded 10mm is like shooting 357Mag rounds. Its got some kick and it sounds good.