First Subaru ever

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by K12R, May 25, 2013.

  1. K12R

    K12R New Member

    Hey, fellow WRX owners. I just bought my first Subaru ever and it happens to be WRX. I never really knew anything about WRX, but the wife mentioned one day that she liked the look of a hatchback she saw in a Costco parking lot, while we were trying to decide what kind of car I should get. I have never been a car enthusiast, more of a motorcycle person all my life. So, we went to the Subaru dealer to check out this cute hatchback we saw, not knowing this hatchback packed 265 hp and only came with the maual transmission. I was quite shocked by the performance and tremendously enjoyed the test drive. So here I am. First car that I am excited about. Also found out the WRXers are just as fanatical as motorcycle people if not more and also wave at each other on the street.
  2. ChrisW

    ChrisW Member

    Congrats man, post up some pics! What part of town are you in?
  3. K12R

    K12R New Member


    Only picture so far. Will try to take more. Very base model with no options. Will be installing short throw shifter and bushing soon. BTW, I live in Duluth.

    Attached Files:

  4. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Awesome! The current generation for the hatchbacks are probably the best looking as they pretty much look like STis now but with the WRX badges.
    Congrats on the new purchase man! And welcome to the community!
  5. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    you'll find that most of us are current or previous scooter owners as well as gun fanatics :wavey:
  6. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Gun fanatics? Not here lol

    Welcome to the wonderful world of subys!
  7. K12R

    K12R New Member

    I wouldn't say that I am a gun fanatic, but I do own guns and I carry concealed when my attaire can accommodate a five pound hunk of metal.

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