hey folks - about to install a new stereo in my 08 wrx. does anyone out there know of a good resource for a wiring diagram and instructions on pulling out the dash? any help is appreciated. thanks.
Doubt diymobileaudio.com will help with those specifics, but there will be a ton of ideas and installs to preview. Do you already have the new head unit? If not, Crutchfield is the best source as they include wiring harness and install kit as well as a vehicle specific how to packet with every purchase
yeah, i picked up everything from crutchfield. ended up getting a Pioneer AVH-P4400BH hu and Sound Ordnance™ M-2100 amp. came with everything but one adapter, so i ordered it today, should get it tomorrow. other than that it went pretty good. buddy helped me out with most of it while i was at work though, so I'm still ignorant about installs.
sure thing. I've never had one before, so we will see how it goes. i picked it because of the# of good reviews. hopefully it works out.
No magic to amps... they are the least critical part of the system. A "good" amp is one that take a signal and makes it MOAR without imparting any noise on it. Most of the non major brands come from the same build house ... UBUY... and do the job quite well. Just be careful setting the gains right (they are NOT volume knobs) so you don't send a clipped signal or induce a low level hiss called noise floor. If you can't get enough volume without doing it wrong, you need a larger amp and/or more efficient speakers to get the desired volume.
How do you set your gain Slade? Best advice I read was setting volume on receiver to 75% of max volume then turning up gain till you hear clipping? Good advice/bad advice?
Find the input voltage which is the square root of the amp watts x ohm load use a multimeter on the speaker input and adjust the gain to the input voltage.
If you are using the pre-outs on an aftermarket head unit you can use max volume if you want. I've yet to measure one clip when you take the onboard amp out of the equation. The reason I use max volume is there will be a knucklehead at some point that will turn the go knob to 11. If you tune it for 75%, you run the risk of speaker damage when that happens. If max volume doesn't make you feel comfortable, back it down a few, but not down 75% As far as how I do it..... I don't- I have a Rockford Fosgate 360.3 in the mix, so I keep my gains at minimum. How have I done it for past folks.... I have a USB o-scope and a 4 ohm dummy load. put the load on a speaker output along with the scope leads and play a -10db 1khz tone at full volume at the HU. Turn the gains till the wave squares off (clips). Many other ways to do it... but that is the way to get "maximum" out of an amp. You can do it by ear listening for distortion in music; just like Crutchfield recommends. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-7zjUKdy24Ez/learn/video-setting-your-amps-gain-control.html You can use the above suggestion with a multi-meter. You will need a constant tone sign wave and set the MM to AC volts. Never liked that method for full range amps as you are limited in flexibility and setting to advertised specs; but it works.
thanks for the info. finally got it in still need to do some tweaking on the amp, but its pretty awesome so far. having trouble getting the mic from the bluetooth to stay tucked in, but sounds good. looks pretty good too.
For anyone else who finds this thread (or g1nkgo, if you still want to add anything), see this. Also see this thread I compiled on NASIOC: Subaru Stock head unit information -- pin-outs, subwoofer, aux inputs, and more