Was actually at that beach a couple weeks ago. Had a 737 take off while I was there, he didn't get as close to the fence as the plane in the video, even so it was crazy how close you are to the jet blast. There is a bar about 20 yards away from where you hold on to the fence. Nothing like getting shit faced and standing behind a jet.
bwhahaha, top comment - "Look out, troops! There's an Al Qaeda member right behind you!" also, this is in south ga...sometimes i just love my state
For those that don't get ^^^^^ Not video edited [youtube]M7FIvfx5J10[/youtube] And for those that thought that shows his real calling due to hatred of his movies. (except of course the original Blood Sport- that will always be a classic) [youtube]WyZtRO7cXgs[/youtube] of course... I love his first movie appearance, but I'm old (appearance from 8:45 - 10:00 and prime spot at 9:02- watch closely) [youtube]Mcn3ULXqRos[/youtube]
Might be a repost but someone showed this to me at work. and yes I fail at linking youtube.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0Bzkje_AXU
lol.... he said renig (yes, I know it's renege and has a Latin base, but it's funnier if we put a racial slant on his comment as well)