Anyone here play ice/roller hockey?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by whitepony22, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. whitepony22

    whitepony22 Member

    Looking at getting back into roller hockey after years of not playing and then trying to finally play ice hockey like I've always wanted after I get used to playing some again. Just curious if anyone here plays either or any info on it.

  2. b reel

    b reel Active Member would be your best bet, next start is March if you want to try your hand at ice. Use to play on wheels but got tired of the high sticking BS
  3. whitepony22

    whitepony22 Member

    Thanks. Yea, I saw that forum, was just wondering if anyone had any first hand experience before going on there and saying "Hey, I'm new here, does it suck to play in Atlanta?" lol

    I used to play roller on my high school team and afterwards before I moved away. Always wanted to play ice, but never could with football season as a kid. So did you play at the Cooler? I'm looking at getting back into playing with roller first and their season starts soon for that.

    Thanks for the reply for sure though.
  4. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Been out of the loop for a while, just played in PTC on the B-ball courts. Did have a Fire Ants t-shirt though LOL

    Still have some Koho sticks laying around from the Delta Airlines team.
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    The only person I know who plays ice hockey is on a girls team. But she loves it.
  6. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    It's been years. I played in Knoxville and Atlanta was one of our biggest rivals. However, my younger brother played here in Atlanta and some of the guys he played with still play in the mens league. I believe they play at not just the cooler but the ice forum as well. Just call down there and ask about their mens league. If you need I can put you in contact with somebody that is still playing. I keep saying I'm going to get back in, but life happens.

    Anybody remember the rink in stone mountain? We were kicked out....seriously parents and team kicked out and 3rd game canceled.
  7. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Isn't that place gone now? I remember when there was an ice rink in Newnan of all freaking places, part of a GA Power solar power demonstration back in the 70's and 80's
  8. whitepony22

    whitepony22 Member

    Get back in J_P. I'm in the same boat you're in. Played for years when I lived in Pittsburgh, moved away and have always wanted to get back since.

    Thanks for the info guys.

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