Import Alliance - March 29 & 30/// Atlanta Motor Speedway

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Matt, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  2. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    so this means you are going?! yes?
  3. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    I would love to go. I'm going to try and convince the wife to join me.
  4. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    doubtful. We'll see. Just trying to get something better than the chatbox for it.
  5. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    yeah i was thinking of taking it out of my journal also, cool cool.

    and James, come on out, i've never been to one either actually.
  6. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    I've never been to one of these. Is this just Varsity type meet, just bigger?
  7. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Pretty much...Think NOPI or Varsity
  8. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    I'm pretty sure 2 friends and i are going, we will be bringing 2 cars if we do.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
  9. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    well i suppose you are a fine looking gentleman, but on to meeting up.

    So the rough idea is i'm meeting up with liltoua, and atlxpat at Varsity downtown in the morning. Originally thought to be 7.30am but Sparta is suggesting that we should go even earlier.

    Anyhow we were thinking using the varsity as we have people coming from 400, and 85, and its a decent converging point.
  10. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    haha i didnt catch that i forgot a word.. let me know what time yall plan to meet at varsity and ill see if my friends want to get up the early
  11. bullyhatch

    bullyhatch Member

    People from all over the country come to import alliance.
    It is one of the most packed meets in GA by far!
    Think of Varsity X 10, the traffic is insane, so I would recommend trying to be there before 8. Every time I go I wait at least an hour in line to get in and park. If you go be careful of all the idiotic people that go. Last year there was 4 car accidents from people trying to race/drift and do stupid things where they weren't supposed too.
  12. sikwrx04

    sikwrx04 Member

    Just got my Wheels in from Japan, waited 2 months since they were back ordered....hopefully i will have everything mounted and installed before the weekend hits, but here's a link of last year at IA, had a great turn out and i tried to save spots as much as possible since it got crowd fast..

  13. outbacksprt

    outbacksprt Member

    Me and t3chnor3mix are going we meeting at SoK. We went last year and we never saw you guys. Maybe this year will be different.
  14. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    yeah hopefully we can all meetup there, or maybe meet up with us at the varsity on your way down?
  15. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    Jeff you guys figure out a time to meet at varsity yet?
  16. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    not yet, i still don't have my car lol. What time are you/everyone else feeling? i'm agreeing with Dana that we probably should get down there pretty early.

    Also since we seem to be building up a nice group, maybe we can work this like Formula D and we all bring things, I'm already planning on a cooler full of water and soda, and some chips and such.
  17. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    i dont mind doing early i just need a time to let my other 2 friends that are coming know..

    I was planning on bringing stuff for us, but if we do manage to get a good group going down everyone bringing some sounds good.
  18. Enzo

    Enzo Supporting Member

    Have you been given any other update on time? Maybe you will be picking it up Saturday morning on your way there.
  19. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    it was supposed to be today, but now soft ETA is tomorrow or thursday.

    If its saturday, then i'm getting a ride with someone to IA bc my subaru has expired tags and needs a fair bit of wrenching to get usable for IA.
  20. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    ok how about this folks, 6.30am at the Varsity downtown, plan to head down when either all that says will be there is there, or at 7am?

    I just really want to ensure we have a good chance of us all being parked together and having a wrxatlanta presence. please chime in thoughts..
  21. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    and then swing the caravan by my house to piss off my neighbors and give me a ride
  22. sikwrx04

    sikwrx04 Member

    ^^LOL what happen last year, me and Justin called you and you never showed up!! I have to work on Sat, so anyone going on Sunday?
  23. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    yea varisty, 630am
  24. outbacksprt

    outbacksprt Member

    got a small crew meeting at Sok at 8 why we are meeting when work opens idk.. I should probably tell T3chnor3mix that so we don't piss off work and they wonder why we aren't staying haha
  25. sikwrx04

    sikwrx04 Member

    your back in town Pat? with the FD?
  26. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    ive been back since january...?
  27. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I will be working the IA booth, come say hi
  28. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    import atlanta?
  29. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Import alliance
  30. sikwrx04

    sikwrx04 Member

    LOL had no idea...
  31. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    He's been to nearly every tuesday night'd see if you made any of them. :p
  32. sikwrx04

    sikwrx04 Member

    but but the subie has been down ever since the TPS pizza meet :wtc:
  33. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    i dunno if that's valid. some asian guy keeps showing up to those dinner meets in a camry
  34. sikwrx04

    sikwrx04 Member

    LOL alright alright, ill make it to the next one for sures!
  35. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Turns out we have a wedding to go to, and one of the wife's friends is coming into town for it and also apparently staying with us for the duration.

    Amazing what we forget, when we...... never mind
  36. RonnieBlaze

    RonnieBlaze Member

    630 - 700 works for me
  37. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    as of right now with the rain, i dont think some of us will be going on saturday
  38. sikwrx04

    sikwrx04 Member

    Whats the plan for Sunday?
  39. Tperk90

    Tperk90 Member

    I will go on Sunday if it isn't raining.
  40. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    anyone want to place bets on the number of stolen Honda's from AMS this weekend?
  41. bullyhatch

    bullyhatch Member

    I went today and there was a couple of subaru ' that attended.
    Saw a pretty dope rally cross prepped bug eye. I'm thinking of going again tomorrow. There was no rain while I was there today
  42. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    So observations from my first IA experience...
    1. waking up at 4am to meet Patrick and Toua by 5.30am at the Varsity is a completey retarded idea :p We ended up spending over an hour waiting for the gates to open.

    2. It was great seeing a few members there, considering how many people were there, I didn't think I would be able to find anyone.

    3. I suspect LS swapped RX-7's are more popular than actual RX-7s

    4. My STI in it's current meaty wide setup isn't as popular as the herra flush stuffs, and that's great to me.

  43. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Nic's Rx7 was pretty sick as well, 7's in the 1/4 is respectable I guess
  44. outbacksprt

    outbacksprt Member

    I ran into Toua at the end. We lost B reel at the gates after meeting at the car wash. wandered around for a bit and found jeff's and pat's car couldn't find you guys though.
  45. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    you guys chose to follow the sheeple and go the long way, all I did was drive around to the tunnel entrance to skip that that two mile long wait LOL

    Justin's ride make it back alright?
  46. outbacksprt

    outbacksprt Member

    yeah as far as i know he made it back home. he posted all the selfies they took so. He took both his gas cans and everything he brought around 3 or so. find out tomorrow if he shows up to work.
  47. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    LOL i tried to tell you you dont have to go there early. Usually if you wait until after 10, after all the early bird retards are in, you can roll right in with no wait.
  48. bullyhatch

    bullyhatch Member


    Look what appeared on my news feed
  49. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    haha thats awesome! Toua's car is making the social media rounds. Glad I got to see ya man, and help poke fun at toua from the side lines! :p
  50. bullyhatch

    bullyhatch Member

    It had well over 1,200 likes when I saw it the morning!
    His famous now lol.

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