2014 BiWeekly Dinner Meets!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Matt, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. Master Volume

    Master Volume Member

    Its all good actually. While getting turned around by my GPS I ran into a blue 04 wrx wagon, told him what I was looking for, and he and I actually went to the 5 seasons near northpoint to see if that was where I should be. We decided to hang out anyway there. Got a good story out of the experiance. Ill try again in 2 weeks.
  2. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    That's awesome man. Cool to hear. Always good to randomly run into a car guy.
  3. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    The next meet: July 8th: 5 Seasons - Prado 7:00p , who's going?
  4. orndog

    orndog Member

    Not that it's a big deal, but why don't we start supporting local eateries instead of the well-off bigger places? Is it because the bigger places can handle the random influx of customers better?
  5. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    I don't think there is any particular rhyme or reason, but before Matt posts up a new list, he always asks for suggestions, on new places and areas. I believe we still keep things close to Atlanta or at least 285 for a sort of 'middle ground'.

    That said, count me in for Tuesday, I've got parts for Chip and Julian...
  6. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I typically try to pick all local places. What non-local chain restaurant have we gone to?
  7. orndog

    orndog Member

    I meant "local" like smaller mom and pop type places. Places like Taco Mac could give 2 shits about the business we bring, but we would make the night of a waitress and the owners of a small place.
    There is nothing at all wrong with the meet locations now, and I realize they are carefully picked and can serve the group. It was just a thought.
  8. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    The trouble with these meets is knowing how many people will show up. One week we'll have 30 people... the next will have 5.

    Much like you said, we don't want to show up to a small restaurant with 15+ people and then have a bad experience because they can't handle everyone... not that t.mac does a great job at that, but at least they have good beer. :beer:
  9. Andr3w

    Andr3w Member

    hrm my fiance just got a job at the photography place next door to 5 seasons. She's been really wanting to try it. Might be a win win for me to come out to the meet tomorrow.
  10. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Good beer, food and parking is really what we need. Like Matt said...some mom and pop places can't handle everyone bringing their own car.

    I really don't care if Taco Mac cares if we bring our business or not...they have great beer and plenty of accessible parking. I support a lot of small restaurants throughout the week but for these it is a lot easier to try to support local when we can (Grand Champion BBQ, Fellini's, etc.) and find easy accessible places as a priority.

    FWIW...we have overloaded Grand Champion before and they are typically big enough.
  11. Enzo

    Enzo Supporting Member

    I'll be there tomorrow for sure. I love 5 Seasons
  12. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    I will be there in the demon possessed STI
  13. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Maybe. Just got my car back.
  14. Dr_sly_man

    Dr_sly_man New Member

    Sounds like a blast. I'll be there in the right hand drive wagon. I'm new to atlanta, is this a bar orr??
  15. benfrancis

    benfrancis Member

    I'll be there with the wife more than likely.
  16. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    It's a restaurant who brews their own beer. They only sell their beer, but have a full bar otherwise.

    All food they have is locally grown or raised and is mostly organic. It's all delicious.
  17. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    Unfortunately I am going to have to miss again. Taking my gf to the airport. She will be gone for 5 weeks, so I see many mountain runs in my future haha.
  18. Dr_sly_man

    Dr_sly_man New Member

    I'm asking because I'm not 21 yet. I should be good to come hang out, right?
  19. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    of course.
  20. Andr3w

    Andr3w Member

    I'll be there tonight. Can't wait to meet you guys. I'll be in the wrb bugeye wagon with white BBS'
  21. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Just so you know, we park on the bottom of the parking deck. You can't miss us when down there.
  22. Andr3w

    Andr3w Member

    Ok cool. See y'all around 7
  23. jason

    jason Member

    Im coming out!

    And then I may show up for the meet... Hey-oh!!
  24. flat_4ATL

    flat_4ATL Member

    i see three different 5 seasons? which address?
  25. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; SCH-I545 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.141 Mobile Safari/537.36)

    The one off roswell road near 285
  26. flat_4ATL

    flat_4ATL Member

    nevermind just clicked the urban spoon thing and it showed me exactly which it was. if i leave now then i might be there by 830.. lol how late is evybdy staying?
  27. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; SCH-I545 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.141 Mobile Safari/537.36)

    We should.still be here
  28. Dr_sly_man

    Dr_sly_man New Member

    I'm here... Roswell near 285. Am I first?
  29. Dr_sly_man

    Dr_sly_man New Member

    Sooo they are setting up tables in the bar area for us
  30. Andr3w

    Andr3w Member

    Yeah I went to the wrong one. Doh. I'll catch you guys next time. I'm at least enjoying the food/ beer.
  31. kohlby777

    kohlby777 Member

    Let's try to ride out to tin lizzys from carrollton
  32. jason

    jason Member

    Good seeing you guys and meeting some newbs. Gotta come out more often.
  33. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    These are a whole lot of fun. Glad I'm finally able to be a regular!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  34. Andr3w

    Andr3w Member

    Sounds good to me.
  35. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    used like a quarter tank of gas for 4miles on 285 on the way out of that one.

    so worth it though lol
  36. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    Not sure if I'll be in the Outback or the STi tomorrow, but I'll definitely be there!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  37. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    This Tin Lizzy's is INSIDE the Suntrust Bank building. Just an FYI in case you can't find it.
  38. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    Looking forward to it!!
  39. Master Volume

    Master Volume Member

    Anything I should know about this location parking wise?
  40. Andr3w

    Andr3w Member

    If the weather is cooperative I will try to make it tomorrow night.
  41. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    There is a very limited parking area in front of the bank building that Tin Lizzys' is in, and small parking lot to the east.

    Based on last year's event, which was later in the year, both of these lots seemed to be pretty full before 7, however there is a more open lot to the north of the bank building, that most people parked in.

    See you guys there.

    Attached Files:

  42. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    Thanks chip! Looking forward to the meet!!
  43. Enzo

    Enzo Supporting Member

    Well fellas, I think I am going to have to miss this one. I have a bad head cold, sinus infection, and a sore throat. Best I stay away
  44. liltoua

    liltoua Member

    My racecar is down :(...wont be able to make it out today
  45. digitizedsoul

    digitizedsoul Moderation is a vice Supporting Member

    Bah, all this fail in one thread.
    I'll be leaving shortly.
    I WIN
  46. Western

    Western Supporting Member

    I agree. :wiggle: In all seriousness, Enzo I hope you feel better, and Toua, get her fixed ASAP! Lol. I'll be leaving from Old Milton Parkway(up 400) in just a few.
  47. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    Dude feel better!!!! Make sure you get Andrea to pamper you! =)
  48. Master Volume

    Master Volume Member

    Getting outa bed. See ya all soon.
  49. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    I sadly must miss this one, got too much work. Enzo get well soon man!
  50. flat_4ATL

    flat_4ATL Member

    might be able to make this one ;)
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