2015 AutoX Thread

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by ~The_Duke~, Feb 9, 2015.

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  1. ihavefat

    ihavefat Member

    This is pretty much what I am going for. Currently I am running 225/45 on the stock WRX wheels (michelin pss) and just purchased an extra set of wheels that's 18x8 and was thinking of running 245/40 but wasn't sure if it was too wide for the wheel width.

    I already have a catted dp. I am also thinking of going HP-Plus once my HPS wears out and adding front and rear swaybars this weekend.

    Almost identical lol. But I feel like I still lack significant amount of seat time
  2. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    like Superdude, my bro-inlaw, and many others have repeatedly told me, upgrading the driver mod is the most important factor.

    i'm kinda envious that your car is 'simpler' in mods because you get a nice controlled enviro to really test out a change as you upgrade, while i've got so much crap on mine, i think it will be tricky to figure out what to tweak as i start actually being able to drive the darn thing
  3. ihavefat

    ihavefat Member

    I know what you mean. I like my class and the mods allowed in it, the only thing is my steering. They don't allow for me to change my rack (it is very expensive even if I wanted to) and the only thing I can do is change bushings, which is for feel only.

    I do feel a little better than there are other people who have used WRX to get into autocross so really I just have to suck it up and deal with it lol
  4. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Yea, maybe over time you will figure out a method that helps with your steering. I only say this from watching Superdude last season with his wrx, and he really got that car to move and turn.
  5. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Sway bars will help ALOT.

    The right tire will help with turn in. The more square the tire side wall edge is the sharper the turn in, the more round the smoother your transitions will be.

    Tire pressures will help the rear end come around properly. Having a lower pressure in the front than in the rear will help.

    Superdude helped me with an understeer removal technique with how I worked the steering wheel.

    Having sedans... rotation is always a struggle.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  6. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    I think you nailed it, tires and pressures can completely change the handling of the car. When I picked up my DZII's I dropped about 1-2 seconds off of my times. I then figured out that with my current mods that a 5 psi difference with the rears being higher is optimal. Oh and the driving technic can change how the car responds; ie the flick :naughty:
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  7. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    We'll be talkin'! :naughty:
  8. ihavefat

    ihavefat Member

    Tire pressure is something I have not messed with. I know as of right now, seat time is more important, but how do most people go about tire pressure? Just lower it in increments of 2 psi every run?
  9. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    The flick indeed. BIG Brake, exaggerate the initial steering input, dont' panic, let AWD work it's magic.

    I wouldn't run 18" wheel on a WRX at events. You need the lowest gearing you can get legally, a 17" with 40s is a nat's ass (technical term) smaller in diameter then a factory 16" with 55s.
  10. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Get some sidewall chalk and draw lines on your sidewalls all the way around your tire.

    Then do you a run and see how much your tire is rolling over by how much chalk is rubbed off, adjust accordingly. You dont want your pressures to low. This will depend on your tire sidewall strength, air pressures, and wheel width compare to tire width.

    With my large F\R sway bar I actually have my front tires higher than the rear, where Millhouse has a smaller rear sway so he needs more pressure for rotation. You have to adjust it so that you like how the car feels, you are the one slinging it around the course. Once you get more seat time you'll be able to make that choice more accurately.

    I run 32-34 psi in the front and always 32psi in the rear. I have 245 40 18 Nitto NT05s on a 18x8.5 wheel. On a hot day your pressures will go up around 2-4psi depending on the heat, I usually have to remove air from the tire between runs on a warm day.

    ihavefat, I'll come over and see if I cant help you out alil bit next event if I am not working during your heat. You were in the white WRX with the red mud flaps right?
  11. ihavefat

    ihavefat Member

    Gearing is something I didn't think about. I am guessing going with the 17s with the 40s will give longer 1st/2nd gear?

    also I didn't know the profile on the factory 16s were 55s...and I don't think hawkeye wrxs came with 16s so yeah..lol
  12. hehe the event I did stock in my 15 I was running 33F/45R lol. that helped a lot honestly for a stock car. Also brake boosting for some of the sweepers was a dramatic difference
  13. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    It is not so much that we drop a specific amount, it is more to maintain a specific pressure. for example on a warm/hot day, I start with 32F/37R. Then I take my first run. Now when I get back I check and they 35F/40R. So I then bleed off the pressure back down to 32F/37R.
    haha don't give out all the secrets now :keke:
    :eek:hnoes: I am thinking now, "could I have asked for more." but yes we shall, I am sure we could figure out something.
  14. hey guys. I heard a rumor about the points 2 event being moved to commerce? any truth to that? if not, we may be at Atlanta points 2 if its still at turner, and if the middle ga region autox on the 22nd gets terrible weather
  15. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    This is news to me. Princes just finalized the schedule this morning on the atlanta SCCA forum
    FEB 28 - TNT - Atlanta Dragway (Commerce, GA)
    MAR 1 - Points 1 - Atlanta Dragway (Commerce, GA)
    MAR 28 - SCCA Starting Line (school) - Tuner Field (Atlanta, GA) *
    MAR 29 - Points 2 - Tuner Field (Atlanta, GA) *
    APR 19 - Points 3 - Turner Field (Atlanta, GA) *
    MAY 17 - Points 4 - Turner Field (Atlanta, GA) *
    JUN 21 - Points 5 - Atlanta Dragway (Commerce, GA)
    JUL 11 - Points 6 - Turner Field (Atlanta, GA) *
    JUL 12 - Points 7 - Turner Field (Atlanta, GA) *
    AUG 23 - Points 8 - Atlanta Motorspeedway (Hampton, GA) *
    AUG 30 - Points 9 - Atlanta Dragway (Commerce, GA)
    OCT 10 - Points 10 - Atlanta Motorspeedway (Hampton, GA) *
    OCT 11 - Champion of Champions - Atlanta Motorspeedway (Hampton, GA) *
    * - Contracted Dates.
  16. sweet. I would like to do a turner event in the sti haha. Getting my Cat installed tomorrow so now i'll be 100% STU legal :)
  17. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

  18. ihavefat

    ihavefat Member

    Brian, my bad. I was going by the events created on the ST page and they had mistakenly put Atlanta Dragway for every Atl region event. Cool I may see you there!
  19. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

  20. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Registered for the next event. Looking forward to it, hopefully i won't be as nervous about hitting a cone and messing up my paint :p
  21. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

  22. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    i want my extra run!
  23. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    So far they haven't left much of a trace; see you there!
  24. although I wont be able to make a ton of Atlanta events. we should do something like wrxatlanta class or something like that. base it off of pax times maybe?
  25. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Most of us are in STU, but there are a couple here and there else where.

    We usually come in here to compare times. lol
  26. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Yeah no battle damage yet, because I was soo paranoid I was too far from the cones, my lines were horrible. But hopefully with time I'll get better at this
  27. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    If you are really concerned get some blue painters tape and tape off the entire front bumper.

    It usually prevents most impact scratches.
  28. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    Man you should see my from bumper. If you want those tenths, you have to get brave :naughty:
  29. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    I was looking, your's is worse than mine. :coolugh:

    I zip tied the one crack together with a metal backing plate that has prevented the crack from getting larger.
  30. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    You can get real close, just don't touch it... :naughty:
  31. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    Clay bar is your friend every October ;)
  32. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Clay bar? I have impact cracks and paint chips... lol
  33. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    Don't hit the cones head on...
  34. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    yup it is cracked on both sides and one of the liners has popped right at the bolt that holds it on. I don't even think zip ties or tap of any form will hold it together.
  35. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member


    Well that is the intent going into it... but what happen was...
  36. Millhouse04

    Millhouse04 Member

    I agree, some times your right foot thinks for itself. Just saying:rofl:
    I was not intentional trying to hit the cones straight on, I can promise you that.

    I guess you just have to accept that I will happen, it is just a matter of time. if not from a cone, a curb. I think that might be one of Murphy's Laws.[​IMG]
    this hung out side the Race Team's shop door at SPSU when I was there (iPhone 3 photo FTW)
  37. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Its going to be a class full of fun Sunday, 7 folks signed up in STU and I am about to put an 8th on there.
  38. sweet we just signed up yesterday. biggest class I believe haha
  39. should be some nice friendly competition. BTW i'd love to sponsor some of you guys if youd be interested. (PM me if youd be interested) ill be bringing our new shirts (if theyre ready in time) and decals with us. I love to see Subies out at Autox's!
  40. Wheeljack

    Wheeljack New Member

    Signed up for my first autocross in this region. What time should we get there if we're running in the afternoon session?
  41. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Afternoon tech opens at 1230pm.

    I edited to post the correct time.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
  42. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    If it's your first time, ever, you need to sign up for Novice. You'll need the help, trust me. Other first-timers can chime in. That, and them's the rules.
  43. Wheeljack

    Wheeljack New Member

    Not my first time autocrossing, just my first time in Atlanta. I've been at it off and on since 07. I'll be driving like a novice on Sunday since my Z2s are starting to fall off and I've only driven on asphalt twice in the past 5 years. It should be fun. Slow. But fun.
    Is anyone up for grabbing an early lunch before the event?
  44. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    Right on! Just making sure you don't show up surprised. I run in the AM, won't make lunch, but EAV is just a few Exits down I20 from the field. We hit up Flat Iron for our post race wrap-up usually.
  45. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

    Do you know if what's his face will be there with the food cart this weekend...

    I still yearn to find out what this brisket is all about...
  46. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    Daily's! No idea, but if he is there, just get the brisket early. Get 2, 1 to eat right away, the other to eat later on, like 15 min later...
  47. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    Not sure if we posted this yet, but seeing there's some real interest, this is a good video to show you what to expect if you are a Novice. And that's ok, you're only a Novice twice.
  48. ~The_Duke~

    ~The_Duke~ Member

  49. sweet I was ready to see this^
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