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Discussion in 'LeafAtlanta' started by FTZ, May 30, 2014.

  1. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    I've been driving Justin's leaf since he has left it at my house when he is out of town.

    In the winter, in traffic, I was getting under 60

    The past few days on the other hand, even full throttle everywhere (because why not), I haven't seen it dip below 60 miles left on my 20-25ish mile commute
  2. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    well, I'm holding out to see if this Soul EV comes out in the next month. If not, electric turtle it is!
  3. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Nissan > Kia
  4. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Perhaps but looks are way better and +10-20mi will be the difference for me. All depends if they are truly competitive with their price.
  5. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Does the Soul have more space?
  6. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Doubtful since it is a gas car converted to electric. The batteries have to go somewhere and that is usually in the trunk.

    Also, they claim it gets more miles but since it is not out yet, how do you know if it will actually get 20 miles extra per charge?
  7. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    With really shitty traffic today, my range went down 30 miles on my 9 mile commute...
  8. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    Brett, how in the F are you getting such low mileage?
    The lowest mileage I've seen on mine was 74 - when completely charged.

    I have interest in the EV Soul as well. Looks much better IMO, but it's been coming soon for the last year. A few weeks ago someone on the Atlanta Leaf facebook group posted that Marietta Kia had an EV Soul sitting on the showroom floor.
  9. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Lol. It took me an hour and 10 mins to go 9 miles...

    It was at 90ish fully charged, and when I got to my office I was at 60
  10. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    There is one on Cobb Pkwy, checked it out yesterday.
  11. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    A/C blasting the whole time? Going 9 miles in traffic should use next to no power. Stop and go traffic is ideal for the Leaf.
  12. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

  13. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Went to the Autoshow yesterday and saw the Kia Soul EV. Was really surprised on how much room it had on the inside. Retail price in the Mid $30K range. Who knows what kind of lease deals they will have on it though. I also asked when it would be available and was told end of April to early May. Seems like something keeps pushing this car back from being available.

    On another note....I did hear some people talking about some great lease deals BMW is having on the I3. Like sub $200 a month lease deals. Maybe something to look into?

    Edit - nevermind on the BMW. I found what they were talking about. It takes into consideration the $5k Ga Tax Credit.

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2015
  14. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    FTZ and I went over to Ed Voyles Kia in Marietta yesterday. They have an EV Soul. We took it for a drive. It seemed very similar to the Leaf to me. The back seats fold down, so there's certainly more storage space. It also has some sort of torque limiting software that keeps it from getting full torque from a stop. So it is not as "fast" (loosely used term here). The dealership also wasn't real sure what options where going to be available.
    I'd suggest heading over there and taking it for a drive. They don't have any chargers set up yet, so make sure you call and schedule the drive so the EV Soul is charged up.
  15. orndog

    orndog Member

    Heck, you can buy a brand new i8 for under $200 a month*.

    *$110,000 down plus trade in, taxes, and fees.
  16. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Manager at Ed Voyles says they have 5 on order (I get #4)and should be here first week of April but said its likely to be the second week. No charging stations = no cars and they have to dig up concrete to put those in so who knows. Got til June or July 1st until the tax credit goes away.
  17. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I put in a charging station in my house with the help of my 8 year old in less than a day. All you need is a 220V circuit and the station. Unless they are installing a Chademo Charger.
  18. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    Are you looking to buy or have they clued you in on the lease incentives? I saw a white Soul EV with dealer tags driving around Barrett Parkway last Friday, was quite surprised they would have it out.
  19. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    got the lease info last night and its not looking good as I doubt their dealer incentives will get the lease price to match up with the leaf. the guy was going to see what he could do but I dont expect much.
  20. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    So are you still going through with the Soul EV? That was one of the main reasons why I didnt get the Focus EV. They wanted almost double per month on what I could get a Leaf for.
  21. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    I wouldn't trust anything Korean made....that's just me. Nissan ftw.
  22. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    I seriously doubt it unless they can match price. Not going to happen with virtually none on the lot and there are hundreds of leafs on every lot.

    Any lessons learned on the leaf? Must have options? Charging options/best practices? Looking like a leaf for me but will know more later this week.
  23. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    but the soul is made in Georgia
  24. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I would get at least the SV for the CarWings. It is really nice to be able to turn on the ac/heat remotely. Plus I leave my leaf at the airport sometimes and it is also nice to be able to remotely turn on charging.
  25. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Do you lose the deduction for this year and get hit with the $200 fee?
  26. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Not as of right now from what I understand.
  27. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    We were told the EV Soul was still made in Korea and shipped over.
    I agree with Eddie, get at least the SV - Carwings is great (not that I use it much).

    I got a Clipper Creek charging station and have been more than happy with it.
  28. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I have one of the openevse kits and it has been awesome so far. If I had to do it again, I would probably of just gotten a clipper creek so I wouldnt have to go through the trouble of soldering everything together.

    I do have a new Nissan EVSE Upgrade converted level 2 charger I would sell you for cheap if you are interested.
  29. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    anyone get their 5k yet?
  30. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    I don't think the EV is though.
  31. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    So, I got $3200 with my taxes last year. This year I will get the remaining $1600 back when I get my return in a few weeks.

    I am looking at possibly leasing another Leaf before the tax credit goes away. I will either break the lease on my current leaf, or will keep it as a third car until December, and take advantage of about $3500 in tax credits on the new one.
  32. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    We got the whole 5k I believe they base it on what you paid in State taxes.

    I believe also the credit will end on July one.FTZ?
  33. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    ^^That is what I hear as well, July 1st. Just did taxes and I will eat the credit in 2 yrs. Kia simply cannot match the lease deals from Nissan. Town center Nissan dropped the monthly lease rate by 20 bucks for this weekend so I picked one up.
  34. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Congrats on the new turtle.
  35. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I am pretty sure it is one credit per household....I actually thought about getting another one but my accountant told me I would not get the credit on the second one.
  36. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I haven't seen that anywhere. My understanding is that it is all based on tax liability, and you can get a max of $10k over up to a 5 year period.

    Brett or any accountants here that know whether this is once per household, per person, or if there is any limit other than tax liability?
  37. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Sorry dude, I haven't been in accounting for a while, and haven't read up on the credit really at all other than knowing what Justin did.
  38. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  39. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Would love to see this.

  40. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  41. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Why I said I would love to see this.....would be cool.
  42. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    that is a sweet ride!
  43. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    Has anyone bought one very recently? What is it costing you in insurance?
  44. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    Who here was first to lease the Leaf? I hear they are giving up to a $6500 credit to keep the leaf rather than returning the lease.
  45. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    I didn't buy or lease one but my quote from Allstate last month was and additional $200 per 6 months.
  46. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    I have seen a letter offering a $5000 credit off the residual value of the car if purchased.
    Not sure how good the deal is, but I believe that all the "credits" essentially cuts the price of the car in half.

    I'm only a year into my lease, and my hope is that they raise the credit amount due to so many people ending their lease.

    As far as insurance is concerned, my rates went up $30/month when we added the Leaf - through Alfa.
  47. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I was first to lease. I got the letter for $5k off residual and went to the dealership about it last week. While at the dealership I looked on the Facebook page and saw that they raised it to 6500, but the dealer said it was really just a numbers game.

    All in all, it was not worth it to buy the car out. To get financing on the car to buy it out, and keep payments similar to what the original lease payment was required a 5 year loan. 5 year + my 1.5 year lease would mean the car wouldn't be payed off until 6.5 years after new, and it won't be worth $0.10 at that time.

    I turned in my original lease 6 months early, and leased a 2015 last Friday.

    Base model S with quick charge
    $270/ month for 36 months with $400 down.
    Got it from Regal Nissan, but they played games with my Brother-in-law the next day, and said they couldn't offer him the same deal.

    He went to Town Center Monday and got my deal with nothing down.
  48. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    I just bought a used 2013 leaf for 9500. These cars are going for well below the residual value. If you are leasing one and want to buy it at the end you are better off turning it in and buying a different one.
  49. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    how long do those things last?
    say if i get one with 30 or 40k miles...is it nearing the end of its life or what?
  50. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I don't see why it wouldn't last as long as a normal car.

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