Hey There

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Southernjake, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Southernjake

    Southernjake New Member

    My name is Jake. I live in Kennesaw, Ga and I work at Cooper Lake Automotive in Smyrna. I drive a 2015 WRX. It is my first Subaru. Since I was 18 I've owned 17 cars including his one, 7 of which were 240sx's. I'm 23 now. I've always wanted a Subaru. This was my first new car. I want to keep it on warrantee for as long as I can, but I will do exterior mods until it's up. I am pretty excited to see the aftermarket support that is quickly becoming available for the new platform/engine. The fa20 has shown pretty promising results. Anyways. Cheers!
  2. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; SCH-I545 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.93 Mobile Safari/537.36)

  3. orndog

    orndog Member

    Welcome to the board!
  4. benfrancis

    benfrancis Member

    Welcome welcome! For exterior mods and more feel free to check out all of our great vendors. I have had great experiences with TougeFighter!
  5. trojanchef

    trojanchef New Member

    Welcome to the group,
    I think I have seen you on east/west connector.
    I drive a lowered champagne 2005 outback xt, wave if ya see me.
  6. TURBOH4

    TURBOH4 Member

    Grandma's Camry color...ahh haha! ;) Just teasing!

    I think I saw your car the other day. Do you have the standard black and white license plate or do you have the "art" version - the one with all the different colors and such (http://www.plateshack.com/y2k/Georgia3/ga2012new.jpg)?
  7. Drowland87

    Drowland87 Staff Member Supporting Member

    He has a standard plate
  8. trojanchef

    trojanchef New Member

    it is actually the one in the link. The "art" version, eh its what they sent me.
    and yes nice grandpa camry color....all the more inconspicuous.
  9. Drowland87

    Drowland87 Staff Member Supporting Member

    Lol you got stuck with that hideous plate? I guess I never noticed.
  10. orndog

    orndog Member

    Which one is the "art" version, the pumpkin patch?
  11. trojanchef

    trojanchef New Member

    There is a link a few responses up that shows a picture, but yes its the peaches that look like a pumpkin patch.
  12. TURBOH4

    TURBOH4 Member

    When I got the tag for my STi I had the choice between basic and the peach. I liked the basic but didn't like the number. The peach one had a cooler number. Haha.

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