My name is Jake. I live in Kennesaw, Ga and I work at Cooper Lake Automotive in Smyrna. I drive a 2015 WRX. It is my first Subaru. Since I was 18 I've owned 17 cars including his one, 7 of which were 240sx's. I'm 23 now. I've always wanted a Subaru. This was my first new car. I want to keep it on warrantee for as long as I can, but I will do exterior mods until it's up. I am pretty excited to see the aftermarket support that is quickly becoming available for the new platform/engine. The fa20 has shown pretty promising results. Anyways. Cheers!
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; SCH-I545 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.93 Mobile Safari/537.36) Welcome!
Welcome welcome! For exterior mods and more feel free to check out all of our great vendors. I have had great experiences with TougeFighter!
Welcome to the group, I think I have seen you on east/west connector. I drive a lowered champagne 2005 outback xt, wave if ya see me.
Grandma's Camry color...ahh haha! Just teasing! I think I saw your car the other day. Do you have the standard black and white license plate or do you have the "art" version - the one with all the different colors and such (
it is actually the one in the link. The "art" version, eh its what they sent me. and yes nice grandpa camry color....all the more inconspicuous.
There is a link a few responses up that shows a picture, but yes its the peaches that look like a pumpkin patch.
When I got the tag for my STi I had the choice between basic and the peach. I liked the basic but didn't like the number. The peach one had a cooler number. Haha.