Jacking up the front to change oil and rotate tires, the jack slipped off the front central jacking area and ended up on the oil pan. Should I have the pan replaced or is this not that bad of a dent? Oil pick damaged maybe?
That doesn't look all that bad to me, but it's hard to be certain in a 2D image. How far in is it dented?
Well I couldnt get a good picture because of the gloss from the pan. It seems to be dented in about 1/4", maybe a tad over in a certain spot closest to the bolt hole. I ended up draining the oil, then stuck my pinky finger in the hole to feel around :naughty: . The dent did not contact the oil pick-up and there seems to be a hair less than 1/2 inch of space from the bottom of the pan and the pick-up now. So I guess I should be ok. I will monitor the oil pressure with my AP. Edit: just realized AP doesnt monitor oil pressure.. wtf
I would get the vehicle safely lifted and remove the drain plug to see if their is any type of clearance problem with the oil pickup.. If not the I would leave. I have seen cars with fairly good sized dents on the road..
and if you are going to go through the trouble of replacing pans, you might as well replace the pickup with a killerB