I posted this on Facebook, but I figured I'd post it on the boards too. Made sure to post it on Reddit to make sure as many local people can see it. 2002 DODGE CARAVAN SILVER, PEDO BEAR STICKER ON REAR WINDOW w/ faux CF design, BLACK FRONT BUMPER, HUGE PAINT MESS ON LEFT SIDE OF REAR BUMPER CONSISTING MAINLY OF ALMOND COLORED PRIMER. HAS ALL OF MY RESURFACING EQUIPMENT (3 TITAN SPRAYGUNS, 1x TITAN TS50 AIR COMPRESSOR, A LOT OF SIMPLY LABELED 1GALLON ACRYLIC BASED PAINT + A LOT MORE SHIT). I LIVE IN SOUTH DECATUR. I'm going to create a list of the shit that was in the van. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of the van. I've had it all of 3 months, having just gotten into the Resurfacing business. The biggest differentiation between my Caravan and others were the UNPAINTED BLACK FRONT BUMPER, WRXATLANTA STICKER ON REAR PASSENGER SIDE QUARTER WINDOW, FAUX CARBON FIBER PEDO BEAR STICKER ON REAR WINDOW, LEFT OF BOTTOM CENTER, PAINT MESS (ALMOND-ISH PRIMER) ON LEFT SIDE OF REAR BUMPER. This business is my life right now. Without it, I'll have no place to live, and I'll basically be fucking dead. I added a TXT attachment of everything that I was able to list. Sorry it looks like it's a mess but I had to C/P from a DOCX document.
Thanks guys. Still no word from the police. Pretty much just expecting to never see that shit again. On the other hand, my mom's husband, who taught me this business, went ahead and bought me a new compressor and guns, so I'm back working again out of a U-Haul Ford Transit cargo van... lol
Call local tow yards for your van but don't expect to find anything of value if you find your van. Tow company employees will take what the thieves left