who wants to make some easy money?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by redefinedWRX, Dec 8, 2005.

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  1. redefinedWRX

    redefinedWRX Member



    Now before everyone SCREAMS scam scam scam (which I called out as well :lol: ) Ask questions and ill answer them

    Here is how it works. Sign up and create an account. Create an account with stormpay. Stormpay works JUST LIKE PAYPAL. You transfer money from stormpay to 12dp in increments of $6, anywhere from $6 to $6,000 every 12 days. Once your money is in 12dp you then log on once a day for 12 days and simply click "start surfing". You then get paid 12% of the money you put in, for 12 days. Once your 12 days are up you made 144% of your invested money. I know this works; I have been doing it for almost a month now and have been paid out a 2 times.

    I was turned on to this site by a friend that I made prove it to me; he showed me his payouts so I started with a small amount. Here is my logic behind the entire program. Will this just dry up and the owner run with my money? Sure it’s bound to happen it always does. When will this happen? Well this site is different from others because the owner has made herself well known with the community. She has registered the company with the State and unlike other sites this is not how she is making her money. Nobody knows HOW she makes her money because good investors don’t tell everyone there secrets. I think she is involved in high dollar hour to hour investments that she needs our money there to back her investments. IMO she needs us just as much as we need her. The other thing is there is a BIG conference in FEB that thousands of people are signed up for. The owner will be there and it is only going to bring her more business so this site isn’t going anywhere before FEB. Now the limit is 6k every 12 days. So the way I do it is I consider it a ONE TIME 12 day risk. Put in your 6k (or whatever you choose) then your money is at risk for 12 days. Once those days are over you will be paid out 144% of your money. Once you get paid out take your original investment (6k) and put it back into your bank account and JUST re-invest the money that you made. That way your playing with there money and not yours.

    Again please don’t bash it until you have talked with me, read the forums ect ect. If you’re interested please contact me and I will get you setup, answer questions and walk you through the process to get you started.

    I hope some of you do this and see how it works so we can get some more 11sec cars on the road :naughty:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2005
  2. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Were you planning on mentioning that you get paid from the referral link you just posted?

    IMO, let's keep any stuff like this off WRXatl, lest we get people spamming the boards with 'free ipods' and whatnot with referral links... just my $.02

    Edit: looks like a pretty traditional Ponzi scheme, where existing members are supported by the revenue from new signups... well, guess what, eventually you won't be finding enough new members to support it, the site will disappear, and so will probably the owner who no doubt has been skimming a fair amount for herself.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2005
  3. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I would suggest that the moderators remove this scam from the board...
  4. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    please do not solicit or advertise on the site without an administrators approval! I have altered the links in your post. if you have any questions please pm me or any of the other moderators.now on a lighter note whos meeting to get some waffle house this saturday morning [​IMG]
  5. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Oh man, waffle house. Triple hashbrowns, scattered topped and diced, couple eggs sunny side up and toast...
  6. redefinedWRX

    redefinedWRX Member

    its not a scam, ive been paid out so how is it a scam? i figured someone would do this but your ignorance amazes me. if anyone actually would like to make some money contact me, if not keep your scam comments to yourself cause its false
  7. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Yeah Waffle House, count me in. Looks like the weather should be fairly nice Saturday which is definitely good.
  8. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    I don't suppose you're familiar with the workings of a Ponzi scheme...

    Essentially, it's like this:
    Person A starts the scam. He/she promises a 50% return in four weeks for investors. A handful of people fork out, say, $100/person for this... and A pays them, possibly out of pocket this first time, their returns. These investors are happy as can be, and tell all their friends that ZOMG IT ACTUALLY WORKS... more people sign up, and the money from these people are used to pay the previous ones... say Kris and Milo sign up Jan 1st and expect a $50 return on their money by Feb 1st, well, Alex, myself and some other people might sign up before then, and our money is used to pay Kris and Milo. It works 'great' until there aren't enough people left who sign up, at which point the scammer usually disappears with a good chunk of whatever money was collected.

    You can read all about the original Ponzi scheme in "Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds" by Charles Mackay, which is available for free online. I can boil it down to this, though: if it seems too good to be true, it pretty much always is. If the founder of this particular scam site really had a way to get returns like that on money, she would've been retired long long ago.
  9. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    it is hard nipple weather so dont forget your layers and coat :hsnono:
  10. redefinedWRX

    redefinedWRX Member

    I said its a matter of time before it crashes, stated in my first post, but i dont think its going anywhere before feb. So why not make money till then, and if your playing with THERE MONEY why not. Take out your original investment and just use theres, so you loose nothing if it crashes.
  11. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    Hey guys, I'm this "said" person that redefinedWRX joined up under. I've been with 12DP for a month now, and made 1700 profit from 1400 I've put in.

    Ponzi, well its not TECHNICALLY one because the govt woudlve shut it down already, if you check out Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi) it's definition of a Ponzi scheme does NOT portray 12DP. I'm not going to argue any specifics, one may think what he'd like.

    You get a cashout in 12 days of when you put in your money. You get back 144%. It'll take about 4-7 business days to hit StormPay,then if you want it to your bank another couple days. In the end it'll take a while, but when it's flowing with 2 upgrades at a time, you get a cashout every 6 days.

    In the bottom end, it's more and anything out there that's an investment. Like RedefinedWRX said, will it go down some day? Maybe, maybe NOT. This is definately the best, auto surfing company thats out there to date. I'm not going to post any links to them, or to signup. They are holding a convention, and I don't think theres a problem posting that site. It's www.gptconvention.com If anyone has any questions you can feel free to ask. They have a great forum as well. These are MY payouts, in order from 1st payout to 3rd. I'm currently pending 2 more payouts



  12. redefinedWRX

    redefinedWRX Member

    good post
  13. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    I don't know why I am even wasting my time on this, but...

    Say you have 10,000 people doing it right now. Sounds reasonable, right?

    With a 144% return, you need to supply 2.44x the money they put in within 12 days. So you need on average 1.44 more people signing up to cover this (and I am not even taking into account that the money these 10,000 put in mostly went to cover previous debt)... so in 12 days you will have 14,400 people signed up. OK, fine. Now you have no money and you will owe those 14,400 people their '144%' return in 12 days. So you need 35,000 people signed up to cover that. All right, you made it, barely... next you'll need 86,000 people. Then 210,000... I think you see where this is going.

    But hey, if you feel comfortable blowing $6k on the idea that this concept is sustainable for now, go ahead.. I think you're better off dropping it all on black and praying.
  14. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    MMMmmmm waffles..dont forget saturday morning at 8am guys
  15. redefinedWRX

    redefinedWRX Member

    So put in 6k, its a 12 day risk, when you get paid out put yor 6k back and invest the other 2400 you just made. That way IF it crashes you have nothing lost. Its a 12 day risk nobody said it wasnt.

    As far as the payouts being high, yes there high but the money is coming from the other things that the owner does, not ALL from 12dp.

    oh and how about the admin/mod stop postwhoreing in the site, we are being serious. Thanks
  16. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    BTW, there are plenty of Ponzi schemes not being shut down because they "offer a service" of some kind, just check out Primerica for a great example. Doesn't make it less of one. :)
  17. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    I totally understand where you're coming from moose. The fact is that 12Dp does NOT need new referrals to keep going.. what there's speculation is that Charis (the admin) is probably doing hr/daily investments with the money that's coming in, that she couldnt have done before by herself. This is not new, it's been doing many times before in the real estate industry with millionaires. Anyway, she makes a bunch of money, and splits up a small % of it with everyone else who's helping out. It's small to her, large for us the small guys. She continues to have unlimited funds come in from everyone, because well she's paying out on time all the time, why not keep putting in? She's a registered company with NC, a parent copmany Lifeclicks LLC also registered and hitclickspro.

    The concept your stating would be the most ideal for this situation and this kind of "ponzi" u so call speak of, but not in this case Sir.
  18. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    :rofl: :rofl:
    You mean the mystical source of making money the owner has and nobody seems to know about? "High dollar hour to hour investments"? :rolleyes:

    Come on now, if she really had a way to make 12%/day, she could start a pretty sweet hedge fund or something. :rofl: :rofl:
  19. redefinedWRX

    redefinedWRX Member

    of course its mystical, why would a good investor tell everyone what there doing? then everyone would do it and be nothing left for there own.
  20. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    By the way, if she's making 12% per day on her 'high dollar investments' she could turn $1 into $921,675,991,083,838,259 in a mere year.

  21. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    Yea that's true, I mean if you were making say 50K a week or even say a month (or whatever the amount is) on something nobody's hit before, or something not a lot of people are into and dumfounded in that subject, would you tell everyone?
  22. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    All I have to say on this board, is that I'm making money, I have 26 referrals under my belt which I answer all questions to the best that I can, or I find the answers. They're all making money, I've paid off what I put in, I'm playing soley on 100% profit, I'm happy, I have a better life, what's wrong with that if everyone's in the same playing field?
  23. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    I don't think you quite understand the math.. if she can generate the revenue stream needed to sustain the 12%/day payouts, she could *literally* start with a penny off the sidewalk and turn it into more money than the US treasury has ever printed in less than a year.
  24. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    Moose< who said she's makin 12% off anything? If you join you make 12% a day from what you put in. NOBODY knows what she's making or what playing field she's joined to afford all this.
  25. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    I'm pretty sure she's not ALONE in the payouts, like I mentioned in my first post about getting together and affording something you can't alone. Probably same principal here, every business, or almost.. has some kind of investors paying for a large amount.
  26. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Um, if she's paying the members 12% a day she must be making at LEAST that to be able to keep paying them... unless she's losing money day after day, which wouldn't be a particularly great business.
  27. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Sure, but show me a legit business that makes you 144% in 12 days reliably. :wavey:
  28. redefinedWRX

    redefinedWRX Member

    so your whole thing is going on that she cant afford to pay us, yet were being paid so i dont see what your getting at.
  29. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    No, my point is that there is no way to possibly sustain anything like this for very long at all. Look at the #s, do the math. If you put in $1 and keep getting your 144% returns only to reinvest them, it would take 20 cycles for you to have $55 million.

    So you'll probably agree that it's not possible for this thing to continue in the long run... so the question is, when will it crash? Probably before February since she'd need to return some 80x the current invested money by then.
  30. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    Sorry to say, but there's an auto surf company called StudioTraffic who's been around 3 yrs and still paying. 12DP is BETTER than them as far as communication and just overall business aspect, I'd hope they stay around longer.
  31. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    StudioTraffic is also a scam, but one less obvious... their payout is a LOT lower, and they can probably live a few years before running out of new 'members'.
  32. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    Define scam please. IMO it's one who DOESNT deliver what it states, there ARE auto surfin sites who dont even pay and run off, or pay for a month or 2 and run off.

    Yes ST's payout is a lot lower, but I believe Charis is doing something that ST is not. ST also pays out to non paying members, 12DP does not.
  33. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    A scam would be a business venture intended to rip people off, which I guarantee you this is. Rather than ripping off the initial ten investors or whatever, she starts building this whole hype and supporting it by paying previous investors with new money... but it obviously cannot be sustained, and she is well aware of this, so when there's enough people signed up and throwing money in she'll cash out and bail with their money.

    But, I am obviously talking to a wall here, so here's for the two of you:
  34. XZiler8r

    XZiler8r New Member

    Shrug to each its own. The only people in this arent the "believeable & stupid"
  35. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Congratulations, you've made money. Now, I will lock the thread. Please refrain from bringing this type of content to the WRXatlanta community. Although the WRXatlanta Terms of Service releases WRXatlanta from these activities, we monitor all posts so that they are in the best interest of this community. Best of luck.

    For more information, please view our Terms of Service located at the bottom of this page.
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