For Sale 5x100 steel wheels tires and covers

Discussion in 'Community Classifieds' started by FACE, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    These are 5x100 steel wheels with good tires and fancy covers. If you look close you will see the custom center caps!

    $150 picked up

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  2. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Will these clear WRX brakes? I'd be really interested if so.
  3. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    thats a good question. Ill send you my number through pm and if you want we can throw one on and see. I suspect they will
  4. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    OEM 15" steelies won't fit

    16x6.5 Forester Sport steelies will even clear 4/2 pots
    FACE likes this.
  5. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    you can put together a full set of the Forester 16x6.5 steelies at LKQ off Roberts rd/GA85

    $22.00 each and I think you could put together five and have one for spare
  6. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    sold close please :)

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