Hello from cartersville!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by M2Matt, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. M2Matt

    M2Matt New Member

    I figured I'd finally stop lurking and introduce myself. I dont normally forum, but this one seems laid back and its local.
    1. Where do you live? Cartersville
    2. What do you preferred to be called (not your username)? Matt
    3. What do you drive? Just sold my 98 LGT Wagon :(. I have Subarus around, they are just live-in customer cars.
    4. How modded is your ride? Yes
    5. Where do you usually buy parts? Direct from the manufacturer. Or just make it.
    6. Do you visit any other local boards? No
    7. Show, Go, or Stock and staying that way? Go
    8. Do you wave to other wrx's when you see then coming towards you? Whenever I see them I do.
    9. Where did you find out about WRXatlanta? Google
    Matt likes this.
  2. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Welcome to the boards M2Matt ! most folks I believe hit the facebook page...miss the old days sometimes
  3. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    welcome! Another Matt!
  4. skWRX

    skWRX Member

    Welcome hope u enjoy the forum.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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