Alright, the time has come where I am almost out of decals. I never thought I'd see this day, but its here On this note, I am curious to know if anyone has any sort of local hookup to a vinyl shop or such who will be willing to get our decals cut at a decent price. I can go back to the last guy I used, which I got a great price from. However, he's in San Viejo. At any rate, I'd also like to propose the option that we introduce multiple colors. I am asking everyone who visits the site regularly to suggest two colors they would like to see in addition to the 02-04 AWD silver we have now. Also, should the basic decal design be updated or are we all content with the current design? Please reply to this, as your input has the potential to push our decals into a new generation. I'm also going to take a minute to thank everyone who has made this site both a possibility and also a success. It has been a great ride thus far and I am so very pleased to say that the club is finally becoming the organization I had initially hoped for. Many of you were not around from the beginning of the site, and I thought I would take a moment to talk about where the idea for the site came from and a little bit of history on the matter. A local club for WRX owners was an idea that Faysal (Fez) and myself came up with in early 2003. I am almost certain only a handful of you all know that the club has been in existence since then. At this point in time, I had been a member of NASIOC since April 2002, and was growing increasingly tired of its rampant trolling and general member etiquette. One day, playing with ideas, Fez and I created the notion of a locals club that could finally pick up the slack for the lacking south eastern section of NASIOC’s forums. Little did we know our idea would soon become a reality (and an obsession :bigthumb: ) At any rate one thing led to another and the club was born. I remember the joy of 30 members (4-5 active posters), and just want to recognize some of those OG’s. The first meet (back when I had them numbered) was Milo, Jason (Genya), and I. It’s been a blast since. There are many other stories, but I’ll save those for later. Until then, this has been your little history lesson of sorts. We have so many more things planned, all pending the release of version 3. Speaking of v3, I am slowly progressing towards the finished version. For those of you who have seen it, you know that it is well worth the wait and will be a 10 fold improvement over version 2. I am working diligently on that and hope to be done soon. Also, you all have my apologies for not having it done by the end of this month. Also, if you all can think of other merchandise that you'd like to see, I'm very open to ideas. Personally, I would like to see t-shirts, key chains, etc. Small little everyday things that are both aesthetically pleasing and just down right cool. Here's to the New Year and to the many things in store for WRXatlanta! Cheers, Alex WRXatlanta Founder and Adminstrator
mike suggested we make a stencil to spray paint WRXatlanta on our intercoolers... also i like the silver decals we have... one nice addition would be big WRXatlanta magnets i could run during autocross... so if anyone has a hookup on those, please let me know like alex said... thanks to all the members for helping us grow... glad to see we have a lot of active posters as well as members who actually show up to hang out...
I totally agree with Milo on the Stencils and the large magnets for autocross and trackdays and such. I would like to see a sticker in Gold or Yellow. Also a big "Down with Nasioc" sticker would be nice. j/k PS. I still want to kick in for Version 3 but haven't seen you in ages. If you come over for the Superbowl party I will give you some cash then, or at Milo's Saturday for the UFC Fight. If I don't see you, I will give Milo something to give to you.
As Milo said about the stencils and things. Alex I would like to sit down with you and get some ideas out. I would also like to chip-in with anything I can do to help. Alex-please PM me
I would like a few of the original decals. I didn’t think to ask when I was over at TopSpeed who might have them. As for other things I’d go for would be a tee shirt if it were on the simple side. Also I'm not sure what it would cost but there is a vendor that makes a little plate to cover the license plate holes on the front bumper. I would go for that if it had WRXatlanta on it instead of their name. Maybe someone here would know someone that could make something like that cost effective in a small run.
New decals . . . I guess maybe some different colors would be cool. I know NASIOC and ClubWRX have different colors for each different colored WRX so that you can match your paint job, or contrast it for mounting on your door or whatnot.
we have been talking about tshirt designs... in fact alex already had some tshirts for sale on the site but i dunno if they're still up on here... im not very artistic so i have not been able to come up with much... but i was thinking of '' in small on the front left side of the tshirt and some sort of logo in the back (obviously a subaru)... if anyone has a cool design in mind and can get it down in photoshop, please post it... something in a single color would help keep costs down but multiple colors could look real good... logo ideas anyone?
If we come up with a t-shirt design I know some people in the ID school who can make shirts for pretty cheap.
not particularly a logo for the club...... maybe something for the shirt designs... but if its cool, then who knows
it would be nice to have a simple 1 color design and have the option of different color shirts to put it on... also the design color could be changed according to the color of the shirt
okay, here are some really basic designs... these will look good in any color combo providing that your choice of colors have sufficient contrast to one another... let me know if you want something more conceptual also let me know if i'm bastardizing your look
I personally do not really like the sort of enclosed design, I like something more open...Let me draw something up.
yeah i'd like to see what you have in mind... here's another itteration... a little more open (i designed this before i read your post, just realized i should incorp the turbo in one design) ^ this design encorporates the turbo "snail shell" and exaust piping into the design. i will post a larger, more detailed version later if anyone likes this one.
Could even get somebody to photoshop the stickers on the back door windows or rear windshield.
thanks .... okay i'm a bit confused here, am i right in assuming someone would like to see the img of the WRX driving over the logo (or words "")? if so, do you have a line-drawing of the car, or a higher resolution version of what you've posted? as far as the window sticker thing... these files are eps files, meaning they can be used for any output process. i guess gather your thoughts/concensus and let me know (alex/milo) cause i certainly don't mind helping out but i am pretty busy this week (i'm an art director/designer, surprise ). thanks, [jf]
I like the car drawing, just a smaller wing and it would be perfect IMHO. I would like to see a SRP (Sedona Red Pearl) color sticker, or a WRB Sticker. Craig
The debate between differnet color decals has been in the air for a while. We were waiting until we finally moved all of the original silver ones, which we now have. I will try to make some headway on this in the upcoming week.