Didnt know zaktly where to put this, and, it said no posts for 30days.......so what-the-hey. Just thougth I'd mention that on Sundays, when PCA and BMW have their HPDE events, there is whats called a "track touring" session that takes place during quiet time. It usually starts about 1130am for 30mins or so. It is single-file, paced @ no more than 60mph, and about 6laps around the track. (BMW is free, PCA charges $10 which is donated to a charity). So............If you wanna see what the track is like, possibly want to get involved in a DriversEd event, this is quite fun. Id mention one item....... during the event its "quiet time", and even though we all might have mufflers, some obviously under WOT are pretty loud, so, you might refrain from that. (or da black flag comes out). ENJOY!!!! BobR
BMWCCA charges $20 and it's for charity also. and just so you guys know..... NO PASSING ALLOWED!!! :sx: