Attn: WRXatl Trance Crew (New Sets on Page 3)

Discussion in 'Trance Crew' started by Alex, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. blink

    blink Member

    If your talking to me, i just moved to downtown, right off freedom pkwy. Sure anytime.. just give me a call. check your pm.
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Sorry for letting the thread die, monk and I are working on setting up a server for hosting.

    Found 3 new sets tonight,

    I also ripped a considerable amount of DI the other night, listening to that now. Some great stuff...

    Astral Projection - People Can Fly
    Cinereal - Another Day (empyral sun remix)
    Cj stone - Shining star
    DJ Virgen - Eyes of innocence (rising force remix)
    Dreas - Magna Flavour
    Exertion - partizan
    Gareth Emery and Jon O'Bir - escapade
    kosmonova - take me away
    marco de govia - voller sterne
    nu - butterfly
    nuphaze - signs of life
    obelix - taste of life
    shane - c'est musique
    solarforce - retox

    happy listening,
  3. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    update: i've got the NAS setup and now i'm figuring out how to get the secondary server set up with EXT3 formatting so i can create groups... i haven't forgotten about this-just been busy.
  4. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    alex, you ever listen to dj spyhunter?
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    never heard of him. However, my copy of sasha - ibizia 013 global underground came in last week :D rare cd, one of his greatest. Ill rip it soon.
  6. flip

    flip Member

    Hey guys. Glad to hear some people enjoy trance here!! I'm a local trance DJ (DJ Flip) and have a TON of mixsets served from my house as well as some of my personal mixes. Here is one mix that is ok... I really need to record a newer one (this one is a year or so old) but this will do for now. Heres the link:

    For those of you with the trained ear, yes the bass is messed up in one song partially through the set, I got some dust stuck onder the needle and didn't want to stop the record :). I hope you enjoy it. Let ne know what you think!

    If you're interested in checking out my personal collection of mp3's, mixsets and such, i have about 45 gig worth of trance and more available upon request. PM me and i'll hook you up with the URL, login and password.

    Since there are so many people that enjoy trance, would anyone be interested in having a few trance dj's spin live at any future meets or events? I would be down to do it as well as a friend or two.

    Let me know what you guys think!
  7. flip

    flip Member

    Oh also, i have most all of the digital underground sets available. Any help completing my collection would be greatly appreciated! :)
  8. N2BNLOW

    N2BNLOW Member

    Flip, those are pretty sick! Keep up the good work.
  9. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    he's a kid from hawaii that does trance-breaks... very interesting stuff.
    looking forward to swapping some rips fer sher ;)

    flip, i'll def give a listen to the set when i get a moment. great to hear we have so many trace fans here :)
  10. flip

    flip Member

    Thanks man, always good to hear feedback. I'm actually spinning at an after hours club tomorrow night (sunday morning 3am) if anyone would like to go...

    heres the web page for directions and all if anyone wants to go:

    It should be a good time. it is like $15 or $20 at the door tho :(. I wish i could get everyone in for free... They have a full bar and everything. The party usually goes till around 8am ish or later in the morning... Let me know if i should expect you guys. I'll repost this as a thread of its own too so everyone sees it...
  11. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    sound quality issues notwithstanding (as you mentioned), you have solid set in the recording. some really interesting tracks i haven't heard and some favorites as well. the remix of take on me was particularly tasteful (usually i find remixes of that track with way too much vocal overlay ruining the track). some good minimal tracks too. good stuff all around. i'd def like to hear you spin sometime (but 3am may be a stretch for me ;) )

    does anyone here use pcdj? reason? i've got both, but i'm afraid to get into reason too much. last time i was composing music i would get 2hrs sleep on average, lock myself in the office for hours on end-things that are generally not condusive to being a good husband or corporate lacky ;)
  12. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    oh, and here's a list of some tracks i found interesting... (some are prob a repeat of alex's)
    found on

    the melovskys: psychedelic cowboy

    conjure one: extraordinary way

    getting away

    deep orbit: revolver

    gareth emery: between dreams (original)

    david west: larry mountains 54

    kuffdam: summer dream (original)

    meno de jong & mark otten:
    mark otten energetic dub

    sundawner: sorrow(cosmic mix)

    mike skye: varekai (main mix)

    sylver: livin' my life (filterz dub)

    zenon: september rain (dub)

    holden & thompson:
    nothing (93 returning remix)
    come to me (original)

    josh gabriel: alive (original)

    gabriel & dresden: arcadia

    Tastexperience: Highlander (original mix)

    pvd: the other side (deep dish)

    sisko: light over me (DJ Tiesto Summerbreeze)

    ellude: faraday (original mix)

    emery kirsch: lose yourself(original)

    adaro, corydalics: occlusio

    12 moons: the collective

    dyloot, deep voices: a new beginning

    jose zamora: transatlantic

    above & beyond: air for life

    ford: pure imagination

    pvd: time of our lives

    fullbite session: freedom feat. ne-nad (original mix)

    who are you(original)
    extended horizon

    omb: flying over tokyo

    glamour to kill (sog chrome)

    state of matter: silver sun

    pledger, smith: nothern lights

    lennox: servant of justice

    psy craft: extreme moments

    solid globe:
    lost cities

    mind one: hidden sun

    sapphirecut: dreamland

    lange presents firewall: sincere

    the thrillseekers: synaesthesia

    meizon: aeon

    interstate: i found you

    ratty: sunrise(original)

    re:locate - distant heartache

    section 75 - cold sunday, genesis, the joke

    lynx - new beginnings, instinct, mirage, this life

    hydroid: incurved (check out other tracks too for a chill CD)

    P.O.S. gravity

    keith mcmurray: embracing yesterday

    fygle, kalafut: lullaby

    miss ann: dreamland, intercept

    john 00 fleming: dame blanche, reflexion

    nunrg: dreamland

    yossi: like a dream, musica

    progression: sands of time

    vincent demoor: seabird

    foriegn force: emotional breeze

    O.C. feat nick beman: illusions, questions

    John Ocallaghan pres mannix: mercury

    plastic angel: sirene, distorted reality

    siberian sun: going home

    latigidi: latigidi

    perry oneil: wave force

    shiloh: i really want u

    alex stealthy: (numerous chill tracks)

    electrovoya: emotional response

    blue haze: spacious

    above & beyond: no one on earth

    quadran: no air

    matenda: novo jutro

    airwave: i want to believe

    way out west: fear, everyday

    kansai: remember this night

    chimera: music

    questia: nexus asia

    greg murray: i feel loved

    saturated fatty: on the horizon

    bart van wissen: space tourist

    reza: unspoken words

    chris coco: albatross

    medea: universal

    a situation: i'm alone (micro de govia mix)

    zetan spore: intro

    king of clubs: revelation (airwave)

    blair bitch: soundation

    max graham: falling together, bar none

    dawnseekers: sunstorm

    corvin dalek: rheinkraft(corvin mix)

    sleepfreaks: P.H.B.

    photon project: illumination

    james holden: horizons

    (from the other side deep dish mix
  13. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

  14. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i have a decent goa trance cd that i plan to bring to dyno day... bring a blank cd if u guys want a copy... we could burn them in amol's car
  15. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    is there a place we're uploading stuff or something?
  16. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    That is a lot of music! Kanchou, there will be soon :wiggle:
  17. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    lol yeah, it's a bit ;) how did install day go? btw milo, i'll def bring my laptop with a stack of blanks for the goa disc and others (if amol's car is busy ;) )

    oh yeah, i've been meaning to ask you milo, my dad is really into indian music and was wondering if there was a club in atl that he could go to and listen to live music.
  18. flip

    flip Member

    Just thought about it, theres another live set you guys can download. It is one of my friends, DJ Ex-L. He is really good. Go to click downloads under media on the left menu, then music, mix-sets, and click the dj ex:l one. The DJ Flip one is mine... Enjoy!
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Ty for the link
  20. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Some new music I just got (or finally have digital copies of)...

    Dave Seaman - Therapy Sessions vol. 1 and 2 --- these are awesome
    BT - Emotional Technology -- I Have his cd in the car, just didnt feel like ripping it. I entirely forgot to bring up BT in my artists I liked. This cd is awesome!
  21. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

  22. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    i've got about 800MB to play with on my web server. i'm setting up a sub dir ftp acct for you guys for now. i'm still working on the 80GB nas drive (setting permissions, ect).

    please note your file uploads with the size in the file name so i can keep a count on total size at a glance. url and logins to come.
  23. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Im ready to upload :bigthumb:
  24. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    i'll have it set up by tonight. i'm behind a pretty hefty FW right now.
  25. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    trance crew update

    as i am slowly (painfully so) finalizing some things on the initial server build, i would like to get an idea of who would like to experience foriegn trance music. please pm me with the purpose of your interest and if you're looking to sample trance, or contribute. i will make no guarantee of usership, other than all those interested will be sincerely considered, and at the very least allowed to sample some new and old trance music.

    bare in mind, this is sticking to trance music, made outside the united states. stuff that is not really mainstream and is impossible to acquire at the local bestbuy.

    i'm a full time corp monkey, so please be patient should things hiccup, vomit, spew, or slide sideways onto the short-bus. just let me know and i'll do what i can as soon as i can to get things working again.
  26. flip

    flip Member

    If anyone has mixsets that they mixed themsevles and would like to promote themselves, please post them on my site ( its all about Imports, and Music. For the music aspect i'm trying to promote local artits/djs inside and outside of the import scene... Its free to upload your set and I promote the site myself with some friends and the community to get everyone exposure...
  27. jabbadeeznuts

    jabbadeeznuts New Member

    YAYO!!! Always down for new stuff
  28. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Wow, holy shit, you havent posted in a long time ;)
  29. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    2 posts since oct 03?!
  30. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2006
  31. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    these the seaman/phil k sets?
  32. suby113

    suby113 Member

    man You guys rock ! I listen to the same stuff man I have over 200 cd's of this shit from ferry corsten to carl cox, DJ micro, Icey all of it is awesome!
  33. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

  34. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    sorry dude, lol yeah it's seaman. i've been a bit out of the loop lately. and my home connection is shit... just fired my isp.

    i'll be posting up as i can.

    for now, some cool mixes and tracks from the likes of nubreed, shiloh(dream on track from politiks 2 disc one), deepsky, and other movers/shakers can be found here:

    (maybe this is a repost?)

    let me know what else you would like to see on the dl server
  35. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    so is this thread deader then dead or are we still sorta sharing music around? I have a buttload, as Monk knows cause he saw the html spit-out of my mp3 collection, I'm willing to share but it's too much to list. 45-50GBs.
  36. clemsonscooby

    clemsonscooby Active Member

    I am definitely in. One of my favorite trance mixes is old school, and my cd got scratched (lent it to the wrong friend). The only place I have been able to find it on the internet is overseas and its uberexpensive, but it is called Trance It Up Vol. 4.

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