Here's the website for atlanta scca solo 2... here u can learn about the rules, schedule, car classes, etc... figured i'd put this up since a lot of us are interested in autocrossing
cool I just bought this car , leaving for Texas tomorrow to get her. It was a SOLO II Champion. Can't wait to get her back to Ga.
Something sick I think from what he told me. I'm pretty sure it carbed. Brian's crazy like that. Thus the name (The Godfather)!!!
Yep Milo that's the plan. Solo II Prepared is the class I'll be running in. What class does your car and my STI fit in? Sorry I missed you guy's on Thursday .
ur in prepared!... ur playin with the big dogs... im in street modified... if ur sti is still stock, i believe it will be in a-stock... i might be wrong
Yea I guess I'm in for a ride! I've really never driven this car but it is my 4th Scirocco. I did take one blast down the street in front of my shop though in the new one. This thing hauls ass and has slicks on it - too funny. You should see my big ass in there.
so who's going??? which session??? AM or PM??? I'm trying to sign up for 3/13 autocross. I'm deciding between AM and PM.
those of us running in class cant choose when to run... novices get to choose when they run... last time i looked, the class run order was not up
I am going, I still have one novice run left, but I am just going in Class. SM17 competing with Milo, Scott, and Chris.
we're not supposed to compete with each other... we're a team tryin to kill everyone else ... lets try to aim for 1st thru 4th place in SM
This is my first time, so i'm gonna go for Novice. I guess i'll go with whichever majority of you guys run. I guess SM class, right???