
Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by Eta1405, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Eta1405

    Eta1405 Member

    Where did you guys start with modding your WRX?
    I have several things on the list but which one to do first?

    Cobb Stage 2 with the Cobb TBE
    New UP
    New shoes

    Looks are semi-important but I'd rather be faster first.

    I'm a DIY type guy. (Dad and brother are auto mechanics) and I'm still learing about the scooby. So any help and advice is very much appreciated.
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    first u need to decide what u wanna do with ur car. if u wanna first spend money on 'go' then the BOV can wait. if u wanna autocross, then u'd benefit a lot from a good suspension and tires (plus wrx's look sweet lowered). the car makes a good amount of power out of the factory. if u wanna drag, go with the stage 2 setup, and then the uppipe.
  3. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    up and down pipe 1st for power. power is always good
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I'd say, GET NEW TIRES. Then I'd say, see about UTEC + exhaust (or access port for that matter) and suspension. Since you're not all about looks, you will have no problem riding around with stock wheels :bigthumb:
  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    just replacing ur pipes won't give u much power gain. u need some engine management to unlock its full potential
  6. WRboXer

    WRboXer Active Member

    i decided to start out with very minor look changes on the wrx. first came painted side skirts (best mod for looks), and tinted windows. then i replaced my silly stock boost guage with an omori one so i could actually tell how much i was boosting.

    I then went on to helix dp, helix up goes on this friday, and my accessport will be here in two days(Tues).

    then on to suspension and handling goodies.

    an upipe will give you around 10 whp, but will also increase spool time...the usdm wrx should have come with out that stupid upipe cat. an up or downpipe is a good place to start, but an upipe is a real pita to install, so i opted to go ahead and install my dp, and save some cash to get my upipe installed.
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    ive read that an up-pipe will give u negligible gains if u have the stock downpipe... however, with a better flowing downpipe, an uppipe should give u more power and better spool-up
  8. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    haha as you see, everyone has their own opinion, how bout you state what you want to do first? because its better than stating the parts you think you want.
  9. Eta1405

    Eta1405 Member

    First thing I want to do is get an exhaust, up, and dp. What do you guys have? Then I definately need some new rims and tires. These stockers start squealing if you make any turn > 15 mph.

    What kind of springs are you guys running? I was thinking of getting AGX struts and tein springs. Full coilovers are a little too expensive.

    What about a new intake? Anyone have any reviews? Or is removing the intake silencer just as good? Will that throw a cell?
  10. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I think you mean CEL (not cell). Simply removing your intake silencer shouldnt throw one, at least with Faysal's WRX when I removed the silencer the ecu had no trouble with it. He was able to get a a CEL with a MBC though, which I wouldnt really recomend.

    As for me, I am probally going the handling route as the STi packs enough of a punch. Once Jason gets his suspenstion all set up, I've got his pinks and group n mounts coming my way :bigthumb:
  12. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

  13. WRboXer

    WRboXer Active Member

    no, removing the intake silencer will not throw a cel. its best just to not mess with the stock intake, its good up to like 280 whp.

    an mbc will not through a cell, alex's friend most likely hit boost cut, which will throw a cell and go away in a couple of days....

    i do not recommend an mbc, if you dont know what your doing, you can f yourself real quick.

    as for me, i bought a helix up/dp used for 300 shipped. i know nothing of the two pieces posted above, however they look to be pretty good value. stay away from downpipes that dont have a way to manage wastegate gases (look for either divorced wastegate or bell mouth down pipes, the downpipe you see above and the helix are both bellmount). an upipe is an upipe as long as it catless.

    agx's with s-tech's sound good, just remember you will be really low in the front, and the agx's are going to get a work out because of it. i would go with something a little less extreme, the h&r's for example (1.5 front and 1.4 rear). but you cant beat the teins when it comes to price.
  14. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I dont know what Faysal ended up doing, I assumed he just over boosted, once he turned it down the CEL went off. I've only heard great things about the HELIX, but since I've never installed one / tested, I cant give you my own opinion.
  15. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    i overboosted and got a cel, yeah, thats all, im at stock boost for now, as soon as i figure out my partnumbers for the stock hoses that i damaged ill get them and take this ting out, ill only put it in when i feel i want the extra kick, but meh, im goin back to stock soon.

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