First Thursday of the month is the Varsity meet. Who is going? I will. This time the weather looks to be decent. Jan was too cold. Feb was too wet/muggy.
I really want to go to one of these.....but having Friday off from work, might make for a late thurs. night......
Scotty B....The meets normally start at around 8 or 8:30 pm and usually people hang out until like 11 or 12. Sometimes later..... Mark
whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have whadaya have on and on and on and on! I would go but thursdays = bowling league for me
Yeah but when i say late....I mean LATE :420: ....not going to drive to the Varsity from Alpharetta @ 1 AM or later in hopes of seeing some imports....I'll see all the hot imports I need the next night anyways Edit: I will make one this summer when work slows down!!! :sx:
New member would like to attend Hello all, I am a new member here and just purchased an 06 from SOG. I would like to come by because I work just down the street. Any chance of moving it earlier, 630pm+ and I could potentially make it? Thanks!
this meet isnt organized by us... i believe its an import atlanta event but a lot of people go hang out... so moving it is out of our hands...
If anyones interested in the pics from the Varsity meet you can check them out here: under photo gallery... heres one...
It's only going to get bigger and bigger as the weather gets warmer. I couldn't find parking at first.
ive been once, when i was a v-dub guy, had a 92 gti and hung out with the dirty bub crew. havnt been since but would love to go with some subys.
JT, I hope that you can make it to the next one which is going to be on 4/6. It was pretty cool last time... Mark