They have different classes, like street tune, unlimited tune, and the such. One is novice. You get to talk with one of the auto-x organizers and he'll talk to the whole novice group about the track and stuff, work group/race group. Unless things have changed since last june (which it's possible).
For SCCA you can run your first two events in Novice class. For this class you will be grouped with other novices not in your acutal class. There will be a novice drivers meeting and novice course walk to help you get comfortable with how an autox is run. When you are working make sure to tell the worker chief (he/she tells you where to work) that you are a novice and they will put you at a corner with more experienced course workers. When it's your turn to drive you can ask people to ride along with you if you are having a hard time see the course in the sea of cones. If you go off course (aka Did not finish or DNF) twice in a row usually a member of Team Solo (that's the people who run SOLO II for SCCA) will ask to ride with you. For any SCCA event you need to preregister atleast 24 hrs online at, however you do not have to pay ahead of time if you can't show up. Also SCCA hosts two "novice schools" during the season for $50 a driver. These schools are great value; a full day of autoxing with a experienced instructor. If you have anymore questions I would suggest going to the forums on the solo website ( and posting up there aswell. The local BMW CCA also runs autox but they do limit the amount of cars. These events are smaller but you get more runs as well. They are having an autox school as well on April 1st. You do have preregister and prepay for these events. edit: Here's a recent discussion on novice events from the local soloatlanta website:
One other thing to note. You won't be the only other new guy there. From what it looks like there are a few Auto-X virgins looking to get started this year (myself included).
I will probably go my first time (driving) on March 19th, unless I have a job by then. (Why do i keep buying stuff with no job?!?!?!)
I'm happy to see more WRX peeps interested in autox. The people of team solo are great, so don't hesitate to ask them questions (they can be spotted with grey "team solo" t-shirts usually). I plan on going to most if not all of the SCCA and BMW CCA events this year, so you can look for the girl with the pink wheels too if you have questions as well. We have a few regulars on the boards, Milo, Jason, Patrick (Gotsol he's a team solo member), Wayne(1984), Trey, Brian, Scott to name a few, so you will not be the only WRXer at an event.
Damn, I'm getting more and more excited about the upcoming auto-x season. I've only done it twice and can't wait to do some more. It'll especially be nice seeing more WRXs out there. For the new ones, if you're not actually interested in the competition aspect and just want to try it out, you can also register in the "time only" division. It's basically for anyone who just wants to run and doesn't really care about season points or anything. This is what I did on my last one because I have far from an auto-x setup.
what is when they have like an open day. the first time i met you and brian it was a free for all at turner field. you guys did like 14 runs it seemed. i don't know if you recall or not. it seems like a great time to get intune with your car and it's set-up. just wondering so i can sign-up for the next one.
It was not for free, but generally, several times throught the year they will have Novice Days. They limit registration to Generally about 25 cars. You pay $50 and get to do many, many runs. Last time, I think we all got at least 20 runs in. I believe there is a Novice Day scheduled the day before the first event of the season. You can check by going to the website, it will show Novice Day on the Saturday before the event, just register there and have fun.
That day is a "test and tune" its either already full or hasn't been opened for registration yet. Don't forget the PCA Auto-x days as well. Then there is the expensive (but worth it by all accounts) evolution shcool...
I can vouch for the Evo School. If you are really serious about Auto X, it is the best $240 you can spend. I really hope to be able to do the Phase 2 School this year.
I hate to break it to you, but I'm going to have to bow out of the first event of the season. I'll be out of town. So, you might actually finish last now that I'm gone.
right. i remember it being more than the usual $25. Novice Day, i'll keep my eyes open. oh yeay, i totally forgot about the evo-class, thanks.
In know that Brian and Mere are planning on doing the Evo Phase 1 school this year. I may just bite the bullet and try to do Phase 1 again. Phase 2 is only here once a year, and will fill up real quick.
Hey newbie, if you don't like the big crowds that the SCCA events can bring, there are some more personal events in Clemson if you don't mind driving a little. The cost of the race is a lot less ($20 non-members, $10 members, $15 for membership (no requirements)). Normally there are a lot of experienced drivers that would be willing to do ride alongs with you and give you some constructive advice. Unfortunately, March is a slow month for us, but we will have two races in April. Check us out:
I'm also signed up for the Phase 1 school in June. You oughta do it, it could be only us WRXAtlantans.