Next SRDIC in March tentative date is march 31st currently we have: ScoobyBlkWRX TJRCS blown civic special guest: javid in a super crazy funkalicious STi
you kno my answer. Any weekday works for me which means 3/31 is no problem. Oh yeah, GT's spring break is 3/21~3/25. It'll be great if we avoid those dates. Soon as possible is good for me
Allright guys, lets get the next one rolling. We have track availability March 14th-16th and then again March 28th-31st. Ideally I'd like to do one day in each of the above slots. We can do any of those days with no problem. If you are interested, please post what day or days works for you. We'll see if we can plan one in the 14-16, and another between 28-31. My P's will be in town for the 28-31 school, they haven't been down in a few years, so I'm looking forward to that... Post up. Thanks again everbody, Scott
Alright, lets try and get the Thursday March 31st dat booked. TJRCS your in. I've got the Supercharged LSD'd Civic and I think one of those '05 STi's. Thanks again and if you have any questions, let me know, Scott
I am going to bring my toy out too. The plan is to chase the everyone in my car to get some video that students can take home. If I can't keep up, your going too fast
Well Scott and I talked. If I can't keep up, and I am not going to be pushing hard, Scott has a suction camera mount that we will use. I don't think we'll need it though (especially if my new shoes come in before the school).
OH YEAH!!! SUBIESPORT magazine will be covering the next SRDIC on March 31st. Not only will you get video, extra instruction, a free T-Shirt, but you will also have a chance to be in a magazine. Let me know, Siegel
Actually I have good news and bad. TJRCS, I have to apologize again, everybody else is going to be thrilled. Once again, despite telling me that I had the 31st, it has been given away... SO WE GOT *SATURDAY* April 2nd!!! I'm having to pay $$$ for the track, but it will be easier to arrange the photo and film crew (possible Turner video crew ) It's still just the $400 each, but we've got all the extras on a SATURDAY. I'll post again shortly with a mid-April weekday (sorry again TJRCS) Let me know, Scott
I hate you scott!!! Oh well... I can't or dont want to wait another track day. Keep me on the list. I'm still in for this. PLUS i get a free T-Shirt. So can't complain about that.
I really really want to go. But my daughter is going to be in all week. And I've been looking forward to this for a while!!! So I'm saving my money and I'll see ya guys there another time. -drums
Hate to do this again, but April 2nd is the Georgia Tech Auto show, which we were already booked at. It looks like it'll be Wednesday March 30th. TJRCS, this is for you so it's (semi) official, Wednesday March 30th. Let's fill it up, Scott
scott: so will scoobysport be comin on the wednesday? mike: will u still be going if its a wednesday?
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You made my dad, scott. haha I'm 100% in. Subiesport is coming guyz. I'm hoping that at least one pic of mine will be on the magazine. lol~ If this happens, I'll keep that magazine rest of my life.
More than likely yes. I believe I have 2 weeks off after next week from school and I never work on weds.
A friend of mine, Mike, with a well-built 04 STi will also be attending. I think he might get on here and say hello, but he's got bars, SOGPD Alignment, TBE and Ecutek. He's getting pretty darn good at Tally too. So count right now is: 1) TJRCS 2) Scoobyblk 3) Got Sol 4) Mike 5) Hopefully one of the 05's So there is one more Who wants to be in SubieSport?
1) TJRCS silver WRX 2) Scoobyblk black WRX 3) Got Sol Silver WRX 4) Mike Blue Ecutek'd '04 STi 5) Brian Ecutek'd '05 STi 6) Boxster We will also DEFINITELY be having: Vince, previously president of the National Miata Club and Chief Driving Instructor for the Miata events. Arno, another accomplished instructor will also be there, so there will definitely be a qualified instructor available to ride along. More later...
Sweet, now if I could just find some used RE070 with plenty of tread for relatively cheap...... Scott what will Vince and Arno be driving during the classroom sessions?
Trey, I always take 2-3 assistants, which I would love for you to come. It's free track time in exchange for taking pics, video and picking up lunch. This one's full, but I would love to have you at any future events. SS
Scott- Sorry buddy I can't do it this time, money flow is going to Trey's Vf-39, I will still show up by all means, take pics, movies, whatever needs to be done. Sorry again scott. Talk to ya soon. mike
Sorry Mike. Thanks for the info Scott. Just keep me in mind and I'd love to help in anyway I can. :bigthumb:
Hey guys, If you haven't sent in your deposit yet I NEED them. $200 to: Scott Siegel 332 Lamplighter Lane Marietta, GA 30067
One opening left. (Boxster blew a wheel bearing or something) First guy(or gal) to me with a deposit wins .
Bump for a good time. no cars off, no corded tires, no cooked pads, best lunch evar , data acquisition, twin turbos trying to keep up with me, subiesport, instructors, chase camera, ..... That was awsome.