well, i just got a voicemail from the very smart Alex, who made me relize something that i had been trying not to think about, and that is the reliability of the S4 that im looking at. As in it isnt reliable. So i think my mind has been swayed to join you all on the dark side, thats right, i think im gonna get a WRX . i have always liked them, I even liked the '04 style before Alex did . Now all i need to do is find one to my liking. Im thinking black, and i like the bug eye style more than the teardrop. ill be looking around for some, but if you all knnow of any for sale i guess tell me.
:werd: Check this out: http://wrxatlanta.com/bb/showthread.php?threadid=753 Unfortunately, I'm pretty busy today and tomorrow, but if you'd like to talk Friday, lemme know We could get dinner or such.
I wanted to cry back in 02 when I saw the 04 design for the WRX. I thought it was the ugliest aesthetic ever :bigthumb: Look where I am now, hah! :rofl: Check out nasioc.com , i-club.com , clubwrx.net and autotrader.com
Found my sweet ride on autotrader!! I started looking late Dec. and got serious about my search in Jan. I was patient and it paid off. Got a great deal on my WRX & it was already madly modded!! Good luck on your search!! -drums
sounds good Alex. Bugeyes rock but there's something I've always liked about the tear drops. What made you decide to sell the 8?
:naughty: says" You know you can't be a member unless you have a WRX" haha jk, Good to hear big guy. I bet you will be sad to see the 8 go.
I will not speak for him, but I believe there was a problem with the lease or something of the nature.
as far as stock or modified, i would prefer stock, i may accept slight mods. I love my rx-8 but because of recent financial issues/high payments have forced me to get out of my lease(which was a bad idea in the first place) i may loose some money in the process but in the end it will be more beneficial.