Hella Supertone group buy is finally here! There are two different types with different level of dB output but looks exactly the same. Part number: HL85115 (118 dB) - $55 picked up or $60 shipped Part number: HL85315 (113 dB) - $45 picked up or $50 shipped We need 10+ people to be in this group buy. I will need a non-refundable deposit of $10 to be added on to the group buy list. Please send the deposit of $10 to sales@sakarimotorsports.com and I will add you to the list. **Please include your wrxAtlanta user name when sending payment!** The remaining amount is due within 5 days after the closing of the group buy. If the payment is not received within 5 days there will be extra $5 charge. --- 1. BrianGT (118 dB shipped) - full payment received! 2. BrianGT (118 dB shipped) - full payment received! 3. WrxCrazy (118 dB picked up) - full payment received! 4. WrxCrazy (118 dB picked up) - full payment received! 5. Alex (118 dB picked up) - full payment received! 6. bigb996 (113 dB picked up) - full payment received! 7. moose (118 dB picked up) - full payment received! 8. jakeisajedi (118 dB picked up) - deposit received 9. Hazzard (118 dB shipped) - full payment received! 10. techlord (118 dB shipped) - full payment received! 11. BelvnAWD (118 dB picked up) - full payment received! 12. calmnothing (118 dB picked up) - full payment received! 13. jesus888 (113 dB picked up) - full payment received! 14. shmali (118 dB picked up) - full payment received! Group buy ended!!! Thanks guys! Please send full payment to dtiksp@hotmail.com include: -WRXAtlanta user name -118dB or 113 dB -Shipped or Picked up -Shipping address if shipped *********************************** We are using a third party's paypal account to complete this group buy sooner. You may still join the group buy until I receive full payments from everyone. Please PM me if you would still like to join. Thanks ***********************************
Part number: HL85115 (118 dB) - $55 picked up or $60 shipped put me in.. btw if i wanna pick up then where do i do that, can u post up a address or sumthing for people who wanna pick up, btw i will send u 10 buckz tonight.. Count me In, I want the # 3 spot.. Dibz
Click on the Sakari Link at the top of the page. That will link you to their website and I am sure their address is listed on there somewhere.
what if your stock horn currently works half the time? when i put in my alarm system my horn only works when it wants to. think this would fix it?
dont u think u have a short wire somewhere to connect the horn?? or maybe the it's not connected right, i think this will probely fix it while u changing ur wires but then again i could be wrong, btw the hella supertones will sound hot in the car
So, are these things like train horns or what? It would be kind of nice to shock the shit out of those schmucks that like to sit there on thier phone the whole time.
Not quite train horns... Just a nice loud sound reminscent of german autos. But since they are quite a bit louder than the average horn, they do get attention.
over all train horns can be worth 500 - 2000 dollers and can cost u a new battery and etc and can crack your windows, etc btw i think sum1 had a post whilee bak in off topic or humor abt these hot horns that can blow the shytzuu outta ppl, and can break havoc between cops and them lol.. i dont rec'mend, so stick with hella cause it's hella cool to have hella horns
Ok. Train horns bad. Got it. I might want some of these, but I have to admit I've found them for the same price with only about 5 bucks shipped.
this deal is also i think same, if u want it shipped it's just 5 buckz difference i think since we all want one why not get it from the group buy so others have a chance to get this deal
Right I say go for it if you can get it shipped for cheaper. I'm not so sure about the install being all that easy though. I actually installed my CAI through the fender because I couldn't find all the bolts you need to take the bumper off. And I don't know about buyeyes or whatever but I know the 06's horns look like they'd be a pain to get to in the driveway anyways. Feel free to prove me wrong though because that's actually what I'm hoping for.
i think we could do a horn installing g2g so every1 can get help installing these puppies.. over all i have a 02 wrx but milo has a 06 does it make a difference? yes it does the 06 is more intact so to get to the horns might be ez or hard.. its for us to deside..
yeah grill is ez and to take out and install bak and i think for 02's the horn is right in front with wires hanging below front grill so i think it will be a ez install for 02's i think all we need is the water proof clamps which melt when put a little fire, good ele tape, and wire cutter, extra thick wire.. what u think..
Yeah. I started taking the bumper off and I couldn't find all the bolts to the headlights, which the CAI's instructions said you need to take off first. And even though I didn't think they'd really need to come off I just said fawk it because I knew I could get into the fender well.
BrianGT's in for two! As for the pick up option, once the group buy ends, I will hold a meet once in Kennesaw, Marietta, Atlanta, and Lawrenceville so everyone can pick these up!
btw does it come with installing guide?? and while u answering that, is horn connected to the battery if so, can there be 2 horns connected without draning the battery completely..??
there are plenty of threads on horn installation. A higher current relay is included, so you can run multiple horns in parallel. The stock STi wiring works just fine for the set, but I would suggest using the relay if you are going to install 2 sets. I am putting 2 sets in my evo, and will be using the relay (this also lets me retain the stock horns) -- Brian
but while you retain stock horns, when you honk sum1 wont all the relay horns work together or can u set it in a way so if u want stock horns will be used or the hellas, btw where can i find the higher current relay ?? any local stores?
The horns come with a higher current relay, as shown in the pic above. If you were creative, you could wire in another relay to let you selectively disable the supertones to only have your stock horns go off. Almost all autoparts stores carry relays if you need another. I just want f&$#'n loud horns, so I am going to try having all 6 go off at once. -- Brian
This is the wiring diagram I used using the relay that comes with the horns! I will try to take some pix of my actual install so you guys can see where I used for ground spots and mounting the relay/horns!
If memory serves 3dB is about the same as doubling the wattage on a stereo. Not twice as loud, but a noticeable difference.
lol not big difference then why not make a 213 db and 113 db :rofl: :rofl: that will give these horns a feture.. :ddirty: big difference :wiggle:
:drool: would be hella nice tho i mean i dont think users will go deaf by that.. serious those train horns r fun to play with but really will get u in trouble but these wont.. more like these r the legal ver of the train horn i guess
I'm sorry, but do you have any freakin' clue how loud 213dB would be? Your eardrums rupture around 160-180 decibels. At 200 your lungs rupture. 213 is a lot louder than 200.
uh... dB is a logrithmic scale. doubling the power gives you 3dB more gain, so two sets of 118dB horns would give you 121dB. As for the cheaper 113dB horns, they aren't as loud, and are said to have a different sound. The 118dB ones are made in Germany, and the 113dB ones are made in India. Here is info from Rallylights: -- Brian
hey michael i might end up doing the 118, ill let ya know on friday, in that case ill send yo 10 bucks more.
updated list again haha BrianGT, thanks for the Info! bigb996, no problem, just let me know! Thanks guys!
Lucy might want to read up on her notes a bit. 300Hz - 380Hz is closer to a perfect fourth... and pretty far from a G and A. Maybe she's a horn player.