Some of us peeps from savannah are planning to come up to the ATL for memorial day weekend. Anything going on we can show up for and meet some pepps in the area? Also, anyone else interested in going with us to atlanta. We have to make it see Scott Siegel for ben to get tuned with his new avcr.
I think I'm going up that weekend. I have to figure out which days we're off though. I'm sure we'll get a three or four day weekend.
we get a 4 day...I won't be able to make it with you guys, I've got some friends flying in from home. Were we still planning a trip for June? Dave I know you said you wanted to hit up 6 Flags during a weekend...
I'm pretty sure the Stone Mountain thing is still on. I was thinking about how a camping trip to Lake Lanier might not be too bad either.
Hey about that i can't get that weekend off anyway, and Scott can't do that weekend so i am going the 21st and 22nd of next week. So far me and Jameson are going up there on Monday around noon, and coming back tuesday late. Its the only time i can get off and the only day he has available for a while.... We will have to plan something in mid-summer...
alrighty, i guess the atl trip is off for memorial day weekend, let's plan a trip for a bunch of people somewhere around the end of june