Updated list. This might be the quickest group buy ever haha. One day and already at 9 people!!! Thanks guys!!!
ha ha did u guys urs mic.. i think the last person should be you so we can go on wit these puppies :sx: :drool:
I will take the last Hella 118 please, shipped. I am sending the deposit now I guess ship to the address in paypal.
Yes I purchased mine 2 weeks ago for $67 shipped lol Anyways, please read full payment instruction in the first post! Thanks!
They look almost the same, but the 118dB ones say made in Germany on them, while the 113 ones are made in India. -- Brian
Thanks Brian for answering questions for me! Remember guys, the faster I receive the full payments, the faster you will have them!
Tried to paypal you and it said you were "currently unable to receive money"....I have already sent you the $10 deposit though, didn't see my name on the front page....
I'm sorry guys. I need to fax in some documents to paypal for "verification" purpose...? I will update it once it working. Thanks Michael
Yes I faxed them the requested info, just waiting for them to respond to me. I will keep you guys posted... If it's not working by mid next week, I will have you guys paypal to SakariGraphics paypal account and we'll work from there. Thanks
i think it will be cool if u pm every1 in the group buy when the account is ready, so we can paypal a.s.a.p
just came from cafe istanbul damn that place was hot smokin hukaz, and etc.. oooo i'm wasted for tonight :barf: :barf: :dunno :zzz:
I really apologize but we still haven't received the letter from paypal yet. I will PM as soon as we get everything sorted out. Thanks ---Automerged post--- I'm really considering offering special discount for the people that were in this group buy since I know this is 100% unacceptable to all of you. However, I can't do anything about it right now since our paypal is not working. We have backed up orders on our website and our ebay auctions that are just waiting for payments. I will come up with something special for the members that were in this group buy and will include it in the PM that I will be sending to everyone once our Paypal account is back up and running. Again I apologize. Also for the people that would rather have a refund, please let me know... I will refund the full amount when we have access to our account. Thanks Michael
PM sent to everyone on the list!!! Please make sure to include your UserName along with the payment. Thanks! ---Automerged post--- Thank you for your payment WrxCrazy!
***Update*** Thanks to all the members who already made the payments. I'm going to go ahead and order 13 sets this week even if I don't receive full payments from other members since this group buy lasted too long and I feel really bad for the members that made full payments for them the first week of the group buy. I will hopefully have them in by end of this week and start shipping them ASAP and will schedule a time to meet with people that wanted to pick up once I get these in. For members that haven't made the deposit or full payment, please PM me and let me know you are still getting them for sure so I can reserve them. If full payment is not received by end of next week, I can't reserve the horns for you and you will lose your deposit. I really appreciate everyone for participating in this group buy and making it happen very sucessfully... well besides the issues we had with paypal Thank you!!!!!!! :wiggle:
hey i will try to come pick it up from you on next tuesday KAPISH!!? Let me know or when u gonna be setting up to meet up.. cause make it soon.. maybe this friday at BP on pleasant hill rd at 10 o clock
I placed an order last Friday so they should be arriving soon. I will update as soon as we receive them!
I have ordered an extra set of 118dB just in case. Please let me know if anyone wants it for the group buy price!
Warning: Do not be a DA like me and test it with garage door closed in the garage. Believe me and learn from my mistake its f$%^& loud. It may seem like its quieter than stock when you are driving because all the sound energy is propelled forward and not reflected back into your car. And after my incident i think everything seems quieter. If you dont want loud exhaust then repeat my mistake your exhaust will sound very quiet.